Friday, August 22, 2008

Wendi's favorite things swap

Oh how I love my favorite things ...and other people's favorite things too!

So since I am such a lover of things favorite I have decided to join Wendi's favorite things swap and you should too! Here is how it will work

1. Let Wendi know you want to participate.
She will need an RSVP by August 30, 2008.

2. If you choose to participate, you will simply pick three (or more) of your favorite things to share with your partner.

I am sure no one would complain if you wanted to send more.
This does not have to be expensive.
It could be your favorite book, a new mascara, or a book of your favorite recipes.
It might even be some personalized note cards, or a box of your favorite chocolates.
Items can be new, bought, or even homemade.
Just remember to send a package that you would be excited to receive.
Be creative!
3. Email Wendi at with the following information.

Your name

Your mailing address

Your email address

Your website/ blog /or flickr address.
(you must have one of these)

A little something about yourself.

Please let her know if you would be willing to ship internationally.

4.Wendi will email you the information about your swap partner shortly after the sign up deadline.

The delivery deadline is September 22, 2008.
Be sure to have your packages ready and postmarked by then.
So...are you ready to join in the fun?
Share this with your friends!
Tell your neighbors!
Email your associates!
Go to Wendi's blog and Grab a Favorite Things button and post it on your blog!

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