Friday, August 29, 2008

Chess anyone???

Is it me or do you feel like you are watching a chess match when it comes to the presidential election? Mc Cain has been all over Obama for his lack of experience then he chooses someone who has just as little as Obama. I am sure there will be a counter move coming from Obama's camp in the coming days. I really can't wait for Nov to get here so I can get back to my mindless TV that relaxes me so in the evenings, instead of the chess match that is the presidential election. Some call checkmate already!!!!!

Have a great long week, I plan to put the finishing touches on back to school stuff and get ready for the big day on Tuesday, still hard to fathom that I have a 1st grader, mom wasn't kidding when she said this time would go by in the blink of an eye!

So what are you up to this weekend?

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