Monday, August 18, 2008

A few words to sum up my vacation.......

Enjoyable, excellent, extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic, grand, incredible, lovely, magnificent, marvelous, phenomenal, sensational, stupendous, superb, surprising, terrific, wondrous!!!! whew I think that about covers it!

I hope you all enjoyed the guest bloggers I lined up last week, thanks again to Leah, Steph and Elaine. You ladies rock!!!

So I have tons of pictures, some stories, a google reader that is about to explode and a limited amount of time, what's a girl to do????
Well, I will give you a sneak peak at some photos!!!

Stories will need to come later this week as I am still trying to get myself back in the work mode. That google reader well it is going to be marked all read and I will start anew. If there is a post that you really think I need to see please email me and I will go check it out.

I missed you all a ton and I am very happy to be back!

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