Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

Hello from my office at home!

I returned from my trip, all went well but I have to say air travel is not the glam life it use to be when I was a kid! I spent 6 hours in a Chicago airport to have flight after flight canceled, I witnessed people screaming , crying and just simply dumb founded at their travel woes.

This weekend is a busy one for us, the last busy one before our family beach vacation. The weekend starts tonight with a baseball game for the hubby and I a date night of sorts!

Saturday is filled with errands and chores, the start of packing for vacation, a BBQ of a work colleague of Dan's ending with book club for me with the neighborhood girls. The book this time was nineteen minutes and while I found it to be a well written book I must say that I was a bit disturbed reading it. I hear this author has a couple of other books out that are just as well written, I am hoping they aren't quite as disturbing.

Sunday is my Official Birthday!!!! I know I have been celebrating for a week or more but I love birthdays especially mine. This year though I get to share my special day with my God Daughter Allie. She is being baptized on Sunday at 1pm. I haven't seen her since a few days after she was born so I am looking forward to hanging out with her!

Sunday after noon early evening we have a beach planning dinner with the other 2 families that we are going to the beach with! should be a good time and I am sure a few martinis will be enjoyed!

I have some of the best blog readers in the blog world, you guys have given me several blog awards and I need to get cracking on handing them out, I promise this will be a task for next week.

In the meantime I am looking for guest bloggers the week I am away Aug 11th to the 15th. Leah at
Laughing Leah Loves Lilies has signed up and I am so excited, but I have room for more and I would love for you to guest blog so email me and let me know if you are interested, swhln72 at

Have a great weekend, enjoy the weather and I will catch up with all of you on Monday!!!!

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