Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Here we are 9 years ago today!

9 Years ago today I became a wife! I was never really sure that I would get married. I didn't have marriage role models since my mom and Dad divorced when I was very young and mom never chose to date. So the whole concept of marriage was something that was lost on me and in my mind was a bit of an anomaly something that only really worked on TV and in the movies.

All through college I had my fair share of boyfriends I dated but never really found the one, I thought I had come close after college but he turned out to be a cheating loser, glad I found out when I did. Then there was the guy who broke my heart in a million pieces, after that I was done I swore off men. Then came Dan and my world has not been the same since!

It was the summer of ‘96, AOL had just really taken off a couple of years earlier and chat rooms seem to be the new thing online at the time, online dating had not yet taken off. Dan IMed me while I was in a Washington DC chat room and we chatted for a bit. This went on for like 2 weeks, soon he asked me if we could meet and I was very unsure of that. We continued to ask and finally one day I gave in, yet it was in the back of my mind that I didn't know him and he could be an axe murderer for all I know. But I was very interested since I had spent so much time talking to him. So I decided to meet him however I chose a bar where a lot of people knew me and I could shake him if he was a freak.

So we met, I will never forget it was 7pm at a place called Hard Times, this place is small but it was usually packed. I walked to the back of the bar not spotting anyone who I thought fit his description. Then as I turned around to walk back to the front he popped out in front of me and said “Hey are you Steph!” I was in shock because I was pleasantly surprised how good looking he was. We had dinner ordered a few beers and stayed there talking till 1:30am. We went out every night for the next 2 weeks. We had a brief split because I was afraid things were moving to fast, but I quickly realized I couldn’t live without him. We dated for a year before Dan was given orders to Korea, right before he was to go to Korea we were to go away for a long weekend, before we left that Friday night Dan called and asked to take me to lunch, strange I thought I will see you in 4 hours but OK. While we were at lunch he was acting strange but I thought it was because he was going to leave and we really weren't sure what the next year would hold for us. So mid way through lunch Dan says "we need to talk" Ok I say, he then says "Well since I am going to Korea I don't want to date you anymore" I was furious, all I could think of was how to leave without causing a huge scene. I then saw him reaching in his jacket pocket and then suddenly he thrusts a box across the table and says "so I got you this" in the box was the most beautiful engagement ring I have ever seen. Mind you I never did get the Will you marry me question, but then again that isn’t Dan’s style. We spent the whole next year apart planning our wedding. We went 6 months between seeing each other and I can truly say it was the longest year of my life.

We married in a lovely ceremony in my hometown of Alexandria VA and had a reception at the officers club on Ft. McNair in Washington DC. We had the most perfect day! I remember thinking this is the start of the rest of my life as I walked down the aisle with my mom. I was right and what a wonderful life it has been thus far. I never would have imagined I could be this happy. Everyday I think I am so lucky and hopefully he feels the same.

So to you Dan the love of my life, I thank you for choosing me and loving me through all my quirks and wacky ways, thank you for pushing me to succeed , believing in me and picking me up when I fall down. You surround me with love everyday and for that I am eternally thankful I love you and I look forward to many many many more years of happiness!!! Happy Anniversary honey!

These are some pictures from our wedding

album looks like we had a fun time huh?

Wordless Wednesday

Can you tell what kind of day I am having?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ten on Tuesdays

10 Superstitions, Traditions, and/or Personality Quirks
Note these are in no particular order :)

1) I cannot walk away from my kitchen unless it is completely cleaned.

2) I layout my clothes for the week on Sunday night (I also do this for the kids too)

3) I always make homemade Pumpkin pie and Apple Pie for Thanksgiving.

4) Christmas stockings in our family are as big as the presents, sometimes I think we look forward to them more then the presents.

5) I always say I love you and mean it when I leave the kids or my husband for the day.

6) I snuggle with my son in his bed for a couple of minutes after I read his book every night, some of the best conversations have been had during snuggle time

7) I am 35 and my mom still give me a Christmas PJ box and an Easter basket and I would be upset if she didn't.

8) I am a clean neat freak, borderline OCD I think. Some say they don't' understand how with 2 children my house is so clean.

9) I make my coffee the night before and set it up on a timer so I have fresh hot coffee waiting for me, it is best for all who come in contact with me in the morning and there is nothing like the smell of fresh coffee to wake up to

10) And yes I believe that breaking a mirror will give me bad luck!

Tuesday Toot

Well I had hoped to have photos to share of this toot but my work and home computers are having a spat and don't seem to want to chat with each other so I can retrieve the pictures. So you will have to take my word for the work I have done at least till I can get the pictures posted.

This past weekend I finished putting my deck together for the Spring/Summer. I love to sit out there with a cup of coffee or better yet a nice glass of wine. So I hosed the deck off to get rid of the pollen which is an on going battle at least for the next couple of weeks, then I proceeded to plant flowers in all my flower pots and also planted some shrubs which will take 10 years to grow and provide us the privacy we want for our hot tub, but at least they are in. Last year I planted some wisteria which has exploded this year giving me the lush fence coverage I was hoping for. It doesn't sound like a lot of work but it was. So I am tooting my horn for all my hard work this weekend.

What's your Tuesday Toot?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Mothers Day Photo Contest Part 2

I have received some lovely comments on my first mother’s day photo submission, but then I got to thinking it isn't fair to Jackson; and should he years later look back at this blog he may call me out on why he didn't have a picture of him submitted. So below is my submission on his behalf. I love this picture because we were at the playground the day this was taken and he was truly having a blast and I as his mom, loved that he was so happy!

So if you haven’t already, hop over to 5 minutes for mom and take a look at others photos and submit one yourself!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mothers Day Photo Contest

5 minutes for mom is having a conest in honor of Mothers day. All you need to do is post a picture which signifies what mother hood is to you.

Here is one of my favorite pictures, this my daughter enjoying a little time in a bucket with water, pure kid right? :) The smile on her face makes me feel like I am doing something right as a mom.
Now if you want to participate all you need to do is post your photo then go 5 minutes for mom and add your post to Mr. Linky. Good Luck and I can't wait to see everyone's photo's.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

First I want to send some love to Nicole at Driving with the Brakes on, she has suffered the unthinkable, the loss of a child. She delivered her precious baby girl earlier this week at only 21 weeks. She is grieving and we who love her and her blog are trying to surround her in love. So please if you can stop by and show some love.

This week has flown by and I had so much to write about but never found the time to do it. The warmer weather has had me outside when I get home from work so I can play with the kiddos.

Thanks to all of you for your kind comments about my 10 year
bling. I do work for a good company and I hope to be there many many more years.

Yesterday was the company’s monthly board meeting, nothing to exciting but it is expected that we all attend, however I was able to sneak out early enough to go with my daughter and her class to the Zoo, well I met them there but I was still there. Lauren was so excited and couldn't stop saying look it's my mom and my dad….ah that is what parents live for to see there kid giddy at their mere presence! She didn’t get to see as much as she would have liked so I think another trip is in order soon.

Speaking of my daughter she is trying out for the school talent show today. She has decided to sing "A few of my favorite things" from The Sound of Music pretty big song for a kindergartner I can't wait to here if she makes it! Keep your fingers crossed.

Next week is my 9 year wedding anniversary! I can hardly believe it has been that long but on the other hand I can't remember life without Dan. An anniversary post will be coming of course so stay tuned.

To wrap up Friday Hodge Podge I will open the floor up to you, the readers, is there a question you are dying to ask me? Something in one of my posts that you want me to expand on? Or just want to know what my opinion is on a topic? Well now is your chance, send me your questions and I promise to answer them all.

Have a great weekend and go outside and enjoy Spring :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday.....kinda

I think leaving this picture wordless would make people scratch their head. So.... this is the watch that my company gave to me for my 10 year anniversary with them. Pretty snazzy huh?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ten Things on Tuesday

Ten things I love about my life

1) My Kids, they are the light of my life and I thank God for them everyday.

2) My Marriage, it has been the one thing for 9 years that has been completely stable in my life and I can only hope that it continues that way for the rest of my life.

3) My Friends, without them I don't know what I would do.

4) My Career, In high school I was once told by a coach that I would never amount to much, I have and I continue too. Not to mention I love what I do.

5) My Family, They keep me centered and make me feel loved.

6) My Health, I am so blessed to be a very healthy individual.

7) My Sense of belonging in this world.

8) My Ability to volunteer and help others, there is nothing greater then help others, I find more joy from giving then I do from receiving most of the time.

9) My Computer, it has opened up a whole new world to me and others.

10) My Love of Food, I get great pleasure from food (in moderation of course).

Monday, April 21, 2008

Could it be?????

We had a wonderful weekend until Sunday around 9 am when the skies opened up and rain poured down all day, matter of fact it is still raining now. Stuck inside all day with 2 active kids was not going to be fun, especially since they had a huge taste of spring/summer the day before.

I am not a big fan of movie theaters, why I don't know, but it just isn't my gig. Add to that the thought of wrestling with 2 little ones, well I think you get the picture. So it surprised even me when I suggested to hubby that we all go to the movies to see Horton Hears a Who, what on earth was I proposing??? On a rainy Sunday every family who had had enough of the house would be at this movie, oh well! So off we go, we stand in line get out tickets I take the kiddos to get some seats while daddyo gets the refreshments, which you need a 2nd mortgage to pay or these days. (see I told you I don't' do movies) We get settled and I braced myself for the unleashing of hell that will take place as soon as someone has had enough, or who had been shhhhed for the 100th time. To my pleasant surprise we, the whole family, made it through the whole movie without one issue. Granted Lauren appeared to have ants in her pants the whole time but unlike some episodes of ants in the pants this was relatively tame. Could it be that this ever active 6 year old and constantly talking 3 year old are growing up and becoming manageable little people? Could be! Stay tuned!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Relaxing Sunday Morning

Good morning from rainy Virginia, I am sitting on my deck (it has a canopy) listening to the birds sing and watching the rainfall, best of all, I am sitting here with Hubby. We both woke up about 6:30 am this morning and ventured downstairs; once we realized how cool it was outside we went out to have our morning coffee, hubby said the cool air rain and birds singing made him feel as though he were on vacation. I couldn’t agree more! It is so peaceful and relaxing.

I have been very blessed by this blog world, being able to vent my feelings and share with people the love of my family has been wonderful and the best is that on occasion I receive blog awards!

Wendy at The Adventures of MomLady gave me this wonderful award and I thank her for the kind words You should check out her fabulous blog
I am passing this award on to Poltzie, she is anxiously awaiting the birth of her first child a son. So pop over and say hello!

Tootsie Farklepants @ vintage thirty passed on this award, while it didn’t come to me directly it was still given to those who read her blog which i do faithfully. I encourage you to check her out. In light of the wayI reciefved this award I am passing it oninthe same way. If you are one of the folks who come to my blog on a regular basis or not so regular basis concider yourself awarded.
Have a lovely and restful Sunday I know I plan to!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hodge Podge Friday

It's another edition of Friday Hodge Podge brought to you by The Daily Grind….. sorry I felt the need today to be announcer like.

So this week has been a short week for me because I didn't work on Monday, what did I do you may ask??? Well I pampered myself with a pedi and a mani, oh and lets not forget the waxing. I love me a good pampering day!!! I wish I could be a Hollywood type if only to be able to get pampered on a regular basis!

Thanks to all of you for your kudos on my accomplishments regarding my spring cleaning it really felt good to get all of that done and even better to hear such great praise for it! I don't have nearly the tasks set up for this weekend. Hopefully I can try to relax a bit! (yeah right)

So as part of my spring cleaning accomplishments I made a baby gift for Lilah go check out her blog it is awesome! I also made door prizes for the teacher appreciation lunch we host at school for all the teachers. Here are my creations. I thought they were kind of cool and perfect for door prizes. The coordinator of the event stopped by my house last night to pick them up and she seemed to be pleased as well.
So early this week I had a Wordless Wednesday post and it was of my daughter’s feet. I feel the need to explain. While Dan was out of town I was looking for fun things to do with the kids and one of the things they love to do is hang out with the kids next door that are close to their age. We live in a relatively tight knit neighborhood so it is not uncommon when you see a neighbor outside that you go out and join them. Well Saturday afternoon was no different. We all congregated on the pipe stem and us ladies watched the men work :) evil I know but someone has to watch the children. My one neighbor was trying to drain a puddle that had formed as a result of a poor paving job earlier that week. He was having great success, and then my kids came along. My son is all boy, loves to get dirty and I for one let him on occasion but I was shocked when his sister wanted to join in on the mud play. So there they were like 2 pigs in slop having a blast. Don't believe me check out the picture I don't think it lies!
So yes I am the horrible mother that let her kids get muddy from head to toe then hosed them off before entering the house. However I am totally cool in their eyes at least for this week.

So as some of you may have figured out I live in the DC area and as the world knows the Pope came to town. I am a catholic, I went to catholic school for 9 years. I grew up with Pope John Paul II really he was the only Pope I ever knew and didn't feel I could relate to anyone else. Yet in the past several years the church in total has seemed foreign to me. I have total disgust over the actions of Priest pedophiles and I feel it has tarnished the church in an almost unrecoverable way. When Pope John Paul died I was deeply sadden yet I felt that this might mark a change for the church a chance to look forward and not rest on tradition and believes of the past. It was my hope the incoming Pope would make some much needed changes to allow the church to continue to evolve and hopefully bring back some dignity. I won't get into what I would like those changes to be...... I don't want to lose the few readers I have. I am happy that the Pope is here and I applaud him for address the scandalous issues of the past, but I have yet to see what is being done to ensure those issues do not reoccur or any changes for the church to evolve in the future.

I have another follow up meeting with the CEO and Sr. VP's to discuss our new division’s market strategy, I should really be focusing on that instead of writing this but I need a break form all that number crunching. Things on the work front continue to be good and at times downright wonderful. While I was home last week my boss called me to inform me that I received a bonus... a very very generous bonus I might add, and hopefully that is sign of what it to come.

Finally, a huge ((((HUG))) to all of you who left me your heartfelt comments on yesterday's post. I struggled with posting that but I must say I am glad I did. I know I will never change my mom yet posting yesterday made me feel like I was not some sort of freak and that there are other families out there with some of the same issues.... so thanks again for making a girl feel normal and not to blame.

Have a great weekend and I hope the weather where you are is spring like so you can get outside!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

To be a Grandma or not to be a Grandma

Ok so I have had a little something on my mind since last Friday night. As you know my husband was on a boondoggle trip to Vegas. I took some time to be home and get some things done. BTW thanks for all the sweet comments about my spring cleaning, I know I am insane I just don't think I know how to sit down and do nothing.

Anyway so the weekend before last I drop my moms taxes by her house when we were on our way to the circus, she commented that she was surprised at how much Jackson had grown, then quickly added "but then again I haven't seen him since Christmas" a dig yes, the truth, yes. However it is not because I have kept my kids from her. She has on more then one occasion made comments about not wanting to be around the kids when they are sick because it gets her sick. Well, in a family with small kids who are in daycare and school it is a bit hard to have every one healthy all winter long. Not to mention there are weekend activities that make visits difficult too especially if you factor out the sick weekends. Now personally I think it is a bit offensive that she doesn't want to be around us when we are sick but hey, I honor her wishes. It isn't until they end up smacking me in the face in the form of a dig that I get upset.

So I invited my mom over for dinner Friday night, I thought it would be a good chance for her to spend some quality time with the kids especially since she brought up the fact the weekend before. She came over right around dinnertime with a big shopping bag in hand, which I have told her not to do because I feel it makes the kids associate her with gifts and toys only, but she is the grandmother so I let it go. As I prepared dinner she does nothing, no offer of help, no I'll go play with the kids, no she plants herself in my kitchen and watches me work. She made a point of saying she hadn't seen the kids a week earlier yet she wasn't doing anything with them. It certainly wasn't to catch up with me because I talk to her about every other day. So I started to get steamed.

We ate dinner, during which I felt as though a had a parrot at the table repeating what I said to the kids. If I told them to sit up, or to be careful, or to stop playing with their food she would repeat it. Then I cleaned up from dinner sent the kids into the family room to play a game, my mom stayed in the kitchen with me. After the kitchen was cleaned up, I said lets go into the family room, we sat down and the kids were all over me jumping on me and having a good time, my mom then proceed to give them the items in the bag I am sure as a way quiet them down and selfishly have me to herself. They played in front of us with their stuff sometimes getting a bit loud or stepping in between us while we were talking typical things kids to do. My mom asked if we could put a TV show on so they would clam down and we could have some peace. Well that did it I was done. I gutted through the rest of the visit but I was extremely mad when she left.

See my mom made a point when I was pregnant with my oldest that she in no way shape or form was going to be my babysitter. I can count on one hand the times she has watched the kids alone and truly those were extreme emergency's. Trust me I would never ever expected that my mom would watch the kids and certainly not on a regular basis but to never do so, come on already? Her statement to me when I was pregnant I thought most certainly would change but it has not. Her belief is she had to go it alone without help and therefore so should I. Trust me when I tell you that it really really hurts. In some ways I feel like she is punishing me because she had it rough being a single parent. I thought she would enjoy being the grandmother and would relish spending time with the kids. No instead she buys the kids stuff drops it in their lap and feels as though she has done her grand motherly duty. She has even picked up on the fact that my oldest doesn't really talk to her or try to play with her, my mom claims she is distant to her. Gee you think? Maybe if you played a game of Uno or connect four with her she would open up. Hell she only sees her Nana and Pop pop a few times a year and she is more into them then she is my mom.

I have in recent years in a very polite way only when I have been pressed by her to answer the question if I am made that she doesn't baby sit, told her that I am not mad I am hurt. This discussion usually ends in an argument and I have certainly never come right out and told my mom that I think she should get on the kids level and play with them because I know it would cause a huge fight. I am not sure why I was so angry this past Friday because this is the norm when she visits, but I think it has finally gotten the better of me.

I didn't have grandparents growing up because both sets had passed away before my birth, so I really had high hopes of being able to provide that to my kids. These hopes have been dashed at least on my side of the family.

So I welcome thoughts, comments or possible solutions, truth be told I am not sure there are solutions but maybe someone out there has had a similar experience and can share with me how they have dealt with it. Thanks for listening/reading.

** as I read through what I have written I feel like it is all over the place but the truth is that it is at least in my brain.

Wordless Wednesday ~ Kids Play

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jeff Olson - in case you haven't read it - Article here

"Add the growing number of untrained and unprofessional word butchers to the clutter, and objectivity goes the way of the front-engine roadster. Apparently this occupation is now open to anyone who can type with his or her knuckles, no education or experience required. No need for a degree or employment, just crown yourself a bloggist, start typing and apply for that credential. "

Why would he write like that? Is he really such a literary scholar (writing for "SpeedTV", mind you) that he is in a position to criticize anyone writing about the sport/topic/product/service/etc. that they love?

Following his logic, none of us should be cutting our own grass, painting rooms in our homes, enjoying a hobby, etc. without proper training and education to consider ourselves capable enough to accomplish such daunting tasks. I try to maintain a blog and site that follow the series and inform and entertain fans. I would say I do a below-average job with the blog - my frequency, writing style (both content and grammatical) are sub-par. He may as well have referenced my blog as back up for his argument :) But you know what? I enjoy it, and that's really all that matters.

If he's specifically upset about bloggers receiving media passes, I would encourage him to follow Is it May Yet?, My Name is IRL, PressDog and a number of other great IndyCar blogs. I can guarantee that those sites are more frequently (and accurately) updated than he could ever dream of keeping up with. So, I ask, if there's anyone you want with a media pass to cover the sport that you're interested in, would you rather have someone who writes a daily (at most) article, or someone who will constantly (that means multiple updates per day) create content and provide followers with the latest news. For me, and many others, give us the bloggers any day.

Jeff, you seem dissatisfied with the current state and future of your industry. My advice to you, incidentally enough, is to start a blog. I think a lot of people would probably read it. I'll gladly link to it from my site.

Tuesday Toot

Hi there!
Well I am back from my hiatus, it wasn't nearly as relaxing as I would have hoped for but it was very productive. So much so that I decided to make it my Tuesday Toot. Below is a list of things I did while home the last few days. Keep in mind that I had 2 active kids to take care of since hubby was out gallivanting in Houston and Vegas for 5 days. I am sure that once I publish this post there will be more completed tasks that I remember so check back because the list may continue to evolve.

1) planted all the deck flowers as well as some shrubbery

2) Cleaned the hot tub and installed new pillow pads (but of course didn't use it to relax)

3) totally scrubbed my kitchen floor, I mean on my hands and knees, amazing the crap you don't see till you actually get on the floor.

4) cleaned out my dresser drawers of clothes that no longer fit, and made the fall/winter to Spring summer transition

5) totally reorganized our master bedroom closet (I need to take pictures so you appreciate the enormity of this project

6) cleaned out the dresser drawers for both the kids of clothes that no longer fit, and made the fall/winter to Spring summer transition

7) made dinner every night!!!! (no take out)

8) bought 2 new rugs 8 x 10 hauled them in and laid them down

9) Did 10 loads of Laundry

10) Let my kids play in the mud, more to come on that later

11) Didn't go to Walmart or Target and randomly buy stuff I don't need

12) organized the Craft storage area

13) made some cute presents/ door prize giveaways

14) and a bunch of little things I can't see to remember at this point.

The good news is that while I was doing all these things I came up with several good topics for blog posts so hopefully you will stay tuned!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Nothing of real value..... simply a rant indulge me

OK I have to say I do follow my site meter pretty religiously, I can see who is coming and going, what they are viewing, where they are out clicking, the time they spent, oh and let's not forget the keyword search always a fav! Technology is wonderful isn't it?

I have people from all of the world who stop by yet never comment, now I understand the random person from India who stumbles into my blog world never to be heard from or seen again, but what is with the people who come around a lot and BTW read a lot but never comment, do they not think I know they are here? I could easily send them an email asking them why they visited at x date and x time. If you are going to take the time to come back time and time again please for God's sake leave a comment!!

I know I have posted about this in the past and that post was really just me being curious if others had the same issues which you did, but now I am starting to see readership pick up... BTW thank you for that and the folks that come and lurk and don't comment at all ARE FREAKING ME OUT! I can see you and don't think I won't start naming names and IP address because I will! If you are a lurker go away!!!!! Because I will sick my bloggy firend on you :)~ Regular readers you have my back right?

*** Just an update my spring cleaning is coming along wonderfully, I am not sure that it will be blog worthy but it has made me one happy camper. I know I am strange. what sane woman gets giddy about organizing and cleaning??? See you soon!

Absent for a bit

Hey there,
This will be a short post, I am working form home the rest of the week since my husband is out of town and my boss is sooooooo nice. I have a ton of work to do plus I want to capitalize on my "found time" (my 3 hours of drive time when hubby isn't here) by getting a couple of projects done here. I will be sure to post results when I am done.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday Toot

Sorry to keep going on and on about my race, but it was really important to me that I do this and do it well.
For those of you who don't know, I started to work out again and in the process I have lost 18lbs as well as built up my running endurance to where it once was. So I decided to take place in a 5K run / walk however my intent was to run the whole time and hopefully get a decent time. I ran the 5K in 33.21 and I place 279 our of 730 and I place 31st out of 91 for my age class. Now if I can shave off 8 minutes by next year I will win my age group!

SO my Tuesday Toot is a "I ran a 5K and I ran it well"

Monday, April 7, 2008

Phew what a weekend!!!

I think this post should be Monday hodge podge but I don't want to over due the hodge podge thing! So let me start with Friday (FYI this may be a long post)

Friday as you know I had my big meeting with the CEO, well before that meeting there was a staff meeting for all in my division, we all knew about it but just figured it was a routine meeting. Not so, my company has an award called a star award which is given to those who go above and beyond the call of duty. It requires a write up from the persons direct boss then it must be passed along the food chain for approval. I submitted a write up for my assistant for this award because without him I would be lost! So during this meeting we honored him as well as one other person for their achievement. I was totally unprepared to present this to him as I had no idea it had been approved, but I stammered through.

Then my boss calls me to the front of the room and proceeds to had me a bouquet of flowers along with a gift and a certificate, all to celebrate my 10 year anniversary with the company talk about being floored I had totally forgotten. His speech was great and from the heart and made me feel that the job I do is appreciated and respected. Here is a picture of my bouquet and the award Pretty cool huh??

So then later that day I had my meeting with the CEO; it went well and the new division wheels are in motion, a promotion will not happen for some time but it is a huge possibility by the end of the year, I will keep you posted. Thanks for all of you words of support last week.

The race... I did well I finished 279 out of 730 and 31st out of 91 women in my age group not bad huh? Unfortunately since there were 2 races going on Dan was not aware that my finish line was different then the 10 mile finish line. I was a bit upset there was no one there to greet me but I caught up with them. I am sure that next time he will get it right. Here are a couple of shots of the race.

Finally, we were given tickets to the circus unexpectedly for Sunday at 1pm, yes just a few short hours after my race the kids had a blast and loved seeing the Elephants!
All in all a good weekend but very busy, I needed to come to work to get some rest!! :)

And the winner is....

Thanks to all of you that stopped by to take a peek at my giveaway, it is so much fun meeting new blog friends!

I enlisted the help of my 3 1/2 year old son to pick the winner, he wasn't so sure about the whole thing but I finally bribed him with some Chocolate milk so he could pick the winner!

Are you dying to know? Well drumroll please..... And the winner is?


Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

This week as flow by, Today is the last day to enter the Pasta Pot Drawing I can't wait to see who wins it! I love giving away stuff. Check back Monday for the winner.

I continue to add blogs to my google reader, I am having a lot of fun stumbling across blogs, if you have some blogs that you think I must check out please let me know.

A few weeks ago I posted about going shoe shopping, believe it or not I have not worn either pair of shoes until today. See I have a huge, meeting with the CEO of our company today. I have not bloged about it because I am really nervous and all of you are so supportive an I knew would leave kind comments, but seeing it all week would have made me more stressed then I already was/am. If this meeting goes well and we decide to launch this new division I may very well stand a chance to make VP! HUGE I tell you!!!!

Anyway back to the shoes. So I am dressed in my business suit and I realize that those cute brown shoes would go perfectly with my outfit. First here is a shot of the shoes on my feet, my husband thought I was crazy for taking a picture of my feet and here is the entire outfit, unfortunately my husband caught me looking quite fat in the face, not to mention the glasses but I didn't have time to have him retake it because I needed to get going. So what do you think are the shoes cute or what!!!!

Well Sunday is race day and I am actually excited, for the first time ever I will actually feel ready to race and hopefully won't be hurting like I was the last time.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

DVD's and 5k's?

So for those of you that follow my blog you know that I have been on a weight loss journey, I have done quite well 18lbs down **as I pat myself on the back***. I have found doing the same ole workout is not going to get you far, I have hit a wall and my weight loss seems to have peeked. What's a 30 something woman to do??

So....I am a huge fan of the biggest loser, I watch on my DVR at 5:30 in the morning while on my treadmill getting my morning workout. I know I sound crazy but I would love to have Jillian come kick my ass for a few workout sessions. I use to be a college athlete so tough workouts are something I love but they are hard to do on your own! So when I heard she had a new workout DVD I decided to get it. I mean what could it hurt? I have done the workout twice and let me tell you it has kicked my butt! I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. Hopefully my wall will be coming down soon.

On a related topic I am running in the Cherry Blossom 5K this weekend. This event is sponsored by credit unions and being that I am a board member of a credit union I make an effort every year to participate. the first year I volunteered at the check then the follow year I worked the after run snack table (bananas oranges, water and stuff. Then I decided I would run the 5K that was 2 years ago. I did miserably but I finished and wasn't last. I skipped last year, however this year I am a runner once more. This race started as a 10 miler and then there was a huge outcry for a 5K. So now they have both the 10 miler and the 5K I am hoping that next year I might actually attempt the 10 miler. I have asked my family to come out and support me during my run, I am not running for time only for personal satisfaction. I will be sure to post pictures and let you know how I fared on Monday.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Qualifying this week

You've probably heard the new qualifying rules for this week's race at St. Petersburg. The Web site actually does a pretty good job of explaining it -- I've provided an image below that really helps...

It's a lot like the qualifying process for F1. The first round will determine starting positions 13 through the end. The second round will determine positions 7 - 12 and finally, the third round will determine the top six positions. I really enjoy watching the F1 qualification process so I'm excited about this new addition to their process. It's almost like a small "race" for qualifications. It really adds a little bit of drama to the qualification process...hats off to the IndyCar site for good coverage.

What's in your purse?

I read about this meme on OhMommy’s blog and thought it would be fun to participate, and then April tagged me to do it! So here goes, I have a large purse and I get some grief for it from some of my friends but it allows me to stuff just about anything in it; since my diaper bag carrying days seem to be behind me.

I am a bit of a coach whore and I will admit it, ever since my first bag 15 years ago I have not gone back, so when Princess Lauren asks for hers which I know will happen way before it should I will have a plethora of bags for her to choose from albeit used Coach but Coach nonetheless.

Tada!!!! My Purse!!

And now the inside of my purse along with the entire contents dumped.

Now for the individual stuff, below you see my loose change, beauty supplies, molah or lack there of, my glasses or eyes as my youngest says then then the work related stuff which by the way while doing this I realized my Crackberry blackberry was missing.

So really a relativly borning purse I think, but let me know what you think and instead of selecting only a few to be tagged I tag anyone who reads this and I can see who you are!!!!! I have my ways!!!! So leave a post and let me know when you post your purse!