Thursday, August 6, 2009


Yesterday, Denny Monster and I went to see the duckies at the pond at the park. We brought some stale bread to feed them - although I am still kind of freaked out about feeding them bread because isn't bread just like rice. Where the birds would eat the rice and then go drink some water and it would expand in their stomach and they would explode!!! Does that happen to ducks with bread? I didn't see any ducks explode but that could have happened after we left.

Anyway - Here are some pictures:

I are serious duck. This are serious post.

It was a throw down between some of the ducks for the food. Even to the point that some of the ducks were getting run off! Some of those birds were punks. I made sure that the ones who were on the outside of the group that were a bit to timid to fight for the food got some. Denny Monster however enjoyed making them fight for the food. He is mean.

Denny Monster says that he is not bowlegged but that it is just the angle of the camera shot. If you have ever met the Denny Monster you know this is a lie.

Denny Monster: "What is up with this bird? Is he like the pot head alcoholic duck? It is like 8 o'clock in the morning and he is passed the fuck out."

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