Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Well I am finally in the home stretch......

I have made it past all my important dates, what might those be? Well, I was able to have my son's birthday party, I made it to the last day of work (even though I am working from home for now) but most importantly I was able to not have this little girl on my son's real birthday which was this past Sunday the 23rd.

I am however...... done! Every ounce of my baby weight has been in my belly and while it was cute early in the pregnancy it has become painful, my back hurts all the time and I am totally unable to get into a comfortable position for more than 30 minutes at a time needless to say sleeping is great fun...NOT!

So last week at my appointment I was not dilated at all however my cervix start to get squishy (Dr. term not mine) it was decided that we would induce due to the size of my last baby and that this one may be about 8 to 9lbs. I am thinking she might be a bit more because I seem to be one of those lucky women who hide their baby's well. Nonetheless induction was in my future. So we have determined that Friday the 28th will be the day...unless of course she decides to take matters into her own hands before then. I have had contractions off and on since Saturday night but nothing has settled into any kind of true pattern.

I have my final appointment this Thursday at which time if I am still not dilated they will admit me to the hospital that evening to start me on cervidil before giving me the pitocine cocktail Friday morning!

So here I am this is the last picture you will see of my pregnant! Enjoy!

Try to overlook that i have no make up on and my hair is not done!

Also it is my hope to twitter about labor so if you twitter look me up (swhln19) Thursday night and Friday day

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