Thursday, August 20, 2009

Documentation In Pictures

I love the idea of documenting your life in pictures. I think that is why all of my blog posts always have pictures. Words
can only convey so much. Well at least with me anyway. Probably because I am not that articulate. For me a picture IS
worth a 1,000 words. Plus I have always been such a visual person. I love pictures. My subscription to a blog depends
on how many pictures are in it.

I tried to document my life with pictures but I am too lazy to take a picture of everything I am doing. A blog that does an
excellent example of this is:

Sometimes I read the blog, but most of the time I just look at the pictures.

Yet when I come across videos and pictures like these I become inspired again to try again to document my life
in pictures -

I think I might just start posting pictures of the day. I have these pictures that I collect hidden
away in file folders and end up jumping on anyone who comes to visit to take a look at them. Forcing them to look at thousands of pictures all at once. I feel so terrible for them. But I feel so wonderful at sharing my pictures.

I even made a CD for Steph but I don't think she ever looked at it. LOL.

Looking back now, maybe pictures of the day should be of pictures that I have taken. Not ones I find on the net. Kind of becoming a site for those pictures if I do that.

Good Idea! I rock.

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