Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thoughts rambling out of my head.......

So I like to see who is reading my blog and what they are reading about and what I have found is that:

1) I have a lot of traffic and few comments so please let me know you are reading and not just blowing threw.

2) There are an awful lot of people out there who are interested in pregnant bellies at 14 weeks and close second is those who are interested in dump cake.

I have been doing some spring cleaning some might call it nesting but I know it is not nesting time yet so it is spring cleaning and becaue of my spring cleaning you are goig to the get the rare chance to see my blackberry pictures. These are the pictures that I take when I wish I had a camera so of course the quality is not that great!

Making a funny face at Jonny Rockets

I like to call this my Prince Harry with crazy hair shot

Enjoying some yummy Johnny Rockets Ice Cream

Lauren's Art work and writing from Artists and Authors night at school

My little dancer!

Tomorrow I head to the doctor for the "big sonogram" hubby has been trying to talk me into not finding out but I am just way to much of a type A, control freak not to find out. Plus I want to start buying some stuff for the baby and up to this point I have not bought a single thing!

Funny thing I have noticed this time around, with my first child I was buying non gender things from the time I knew I was pregnant the second child, well I held off till I was 3 months, this time I swear to you I have not gotten a thing!!! Maybe because this time around I have so much more on my plate then I did with the last 2, or as I like to tell people I am just more practical this time around. However, I really do need to get a move on because I have NOTHING for this kid. I thought I was done having kids and I gave away nearly everything.

My daughter has been in NY for the last week on spring break with her grandparents and I miss her terribly we are headed up there to get her after my appointment on Friday, I can't wait to give her a big squeeze! Have a great Easter weekend I will post Sono pictures when I get back!

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