Sunday, April 12, 2009

We are having a .................................

Baby Girl!!!!!! Below is her picture!I have a ton more sonogram pictures that I will scan once I have a chance to. I had to make do with what I could while traveling so this is a Blackberry Photo taken of the pictures they gave me then I sent them to myself so I could upload! The things I do for my blog.
My son Jackson who thought it was a girl to begin with, was a little disappointed when he found out it was actually a Girl. He kept telling the tech "no, it's a boy because look how much he is moving around and only boys move that much" My daughter was very happy but is still struggling with what we will name her since we vetoed her name of Butterfly!

We headed up to NY on Friday after my appointment and made it by the skin of our teeth but I will admit it was much better to take the train than to drive 8 plus hours on a holiday weekend.
As I type this I am on the Amtrak train back to DC with my daughter, my husband and son stayed behind to have Easter Dinner with his folks and his sisters family. I needed to head back to DC because Lauren has school tomorrow and I head out on a business trip to MO for 3 days. Below are pictures from the train rides for both the kids.

Jackson enjoying a hot dog in the Cafe car on the way to NY
Lauren with Sally the bear on the way home today
Speaking of the kids they have had a blast Lauren says she wants to go back to her Grandparents in the summer and Jackson seems to be having a blast with his cousins Will and Jack.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday. Stay tuned for some upcoming posts on baby names!!!!

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