Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Airlines still just don’t get it.....….

So here I sit on my flight from Phoenix Arizona to Omaha Nebraska. My ass hurts my legs are cramped, the flight attendant who is not a small person has bumped into me at least 3 times and looks at me like I am some obtruding monster in my seat and I still, as the captain so politely said, have “689 nautical miles” which equates to another half and a half of pain.

Ironically, I was reading Marlee Matiln's new book “I’ll Scream Later” I am going to do my screaming now because this my friends is sheer torture for a 5’9” 5 month pregnant woman. The man in the seat in front of me has all the leg room he could hope for as he is sitting in an exit row (yes I am bitter) add to that he has decided to recline his seat all the way back into my lap. He is so close to me that he either needs to ask me for a date or become my new gynecologist!!! The seat upon which my already big and growing ass is sitting in has no cushion. So not only does my airline not provide me blankets or pillows anymore they also have decided to skimp on the fluff for my seat cushion, Lord help me if I am truly suppose to use this as a floatation device because I will surely sink since all I will be holding on to is a board.

Every flight I have been on in the last 2 weeks has been oversold hence meaning totally full we are crammed in like cattle and most have little to no flying etiquette like the moron in front of me that insists on trying to push his seat back even further every couple of minutes. I know that times are tough and airlines have felt the pinch like all other industries but would it kill them to service the planes they do have??? I mean please a least making all of their always-sold seat a little more comfortable? Maybe take a seat or 2 out? The idea of paying nearly $500 for a seat only to be miserable is enough to make me want to take the train next time even if it takes me 3 days to get where I need to go.

If your reading this my journey finally came to an end and my feet are safely back on the ground where I hopefully can find room to move and breathe. So tell me have you flown recently and was it as miserable as I have described above??

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