Monday, April 20, 2009

Still here…just not here

So I have been absent for a bit do to my hectic work and life schedule. I swear at times I think my life is secretly being filmed and at any moment I will break through the set and find my life to be like that of Drew Carey from the Truman show.

Last week I was away on business from Monday to late Wednesday worked a full and I mean full day Thursday only to work from home on Friday so I could squeeze in a needed Dr appt with my OB.

This weekend flew by with soccer and soccer team pictures and the need to get ready for my next business trip which I am on now. Yes, while I am flying I am blogging about my life. I'm telling you this is the stuff sitcoms are made of. I will be out of town this week thru Thursday only to arrive home and take a conference call then see my kids and head off to a non kid friendly family wedding Friday to Saturday in NJ. Ah but is doesn't end there I am then headed to Vegas again for work, for our National Sales conference only saving grace in that trip is that there will be some down time for me (I hope)

My brother-in-law said while we were visiting for Easter “geez you guys fight to see who gets to go to work” sadly that has been our life the last 2 months and I am stating to question it. Starting to question, am I doing the right thing by my kids and the one on the way. The next few months should be very telling in that regard.

Speaking of baby girl Whalen I finally broke down and bought her some stuff. I left my appointment on Friday thinking "my gosh I am over half way there and I have yet to buy a thing what happen if she comes early. "So I picked up a case of diapers, a case of wipes, cloth diapers (great burping cloths) a couple of sleepers, a package of onzies and a hat and booties. I'm ready now ….right???? Below are my finds I think I need to get my but in gear and start thinking about getting her room in order. Lord knows how long it is going to take me to find all the pieces to her crib in the storage room.

See you in a week or so by then I should have new belly pictures to post and some baby names for you to kick around.

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