Monday, April 6, 2009

I am a soccer Mom!

This weekend was the season opener for both of my kids soccer teams. This season is a bit different from last because it is truly a family affair. I am the Division Coordinator for my daughter division which means I form the teams and communicate information such as picture day, fundraising and general correspondence to the coaches. Add to that I am also the Asst. Coach of my daughters team! My husband not to be out down is the Head Coach of our sons team. I think we are both a bit crazy since we both work full time demanding jobs! But it is all about the kids and being involved with them. So this weekend was the test and we made it through. The kids had a ball and here are the pictures to show it.

Go Team !!!!
Me in the pink pullover (do I have team spirit or what?)
and Lauren to the Right

Jackson's game face

Coach and son ready for action

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