Thursday, October 30, 2008

This and that........

Sorry for the hiatus, still licking my wounds from Sunday but also still basking my my success! I'm supposed to run on November 15th in another 10K but it is looking like that will not happen as my foot is really giving me some problems. So I think it is just best I let it heal.

Headed to Nashville today for a dinner then back tomorrow for Halloween! The kids are so excited about their costumes and I am hoping I can pull off mine. (I'm gonna keep you guessing on that one) I have been a bit of a slacker this Halloween season, I didn't get a chance to carve my pumpkins all the decorations are up but no scary pumpkins. Time has just gotten away from me.

This weekend nothing big planned, except the talk with my mom about Thanksgiving. Last year she didn't come to our house which is the only reason we stay home for Thanksgiving and don't go to Dan's parents, well this year I need to tell her that we are going to NY and I am not sure how that conversation is going to go. I am so dreading that.

Nothing new to write about so hopefully I have some new blog fodder over the weekend. Enjoy !

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Looking for a House...

Yes, we've begun the slow, painful process of first-time home buyers. If you know any great houses or deals around the Point of the Mount area (Highland, Alpine, Lehi, Draper, Riverton, Herriman, Bluffdale, etc.) let us know!

Monday, October 27, 2008


jangan lupa datang beramai2 ke galaxy ampang pada 1 november 2008.
meriahkan event yang pertama kali berlangsung di malaysia.

tiket - rm10

tshirt - rm35

Marine Corps Marathon 10K .....I did it!!!!!

Yes, I finished my first (and not my last) 10K wow was that exciting! I was shooting for a time of 60 min but I turned in a respectable time of 1:07.04. That means I was maintaining a 10:55 pace not the 10 min pace I was looking for but I will take it. Not too bad for a first timer at that distance. The last 3/4 of a mile was brutal, I think these marines are sadistic, the entire last 3/4 of a mile was uphill !!!!!!

It was an emotional event as there were numerous people running in memory of a family member, loved, one or simply a friend they had lost in this war. Seeing the T-shirts with pictures of these young men and women made we want to run even harder as I felt in some ways I was running for them since they fought for me. I am so sore today but it was all worth it. Below are some pictures from race day hope you enjoy!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Surfers Paradise in 2009?

The 2008 Nikon Indy 300 on the Streets of Surfers Paradise could be the final race on this popular circuit. It's a shame that a race that draws the size of crowd and promotions backing (see commercial below) that this race does could be on the chopping block but it comes down to season-long sponsorship deals.

It seems that this could be an ongoing issue until the series identifies itself as an international series or an American series. Many would contend that the decision has already been made, the IndyCar Series races in several international markets (Japan, Canada, Australia, talks of Mexico, etc.) but the clear majority of their races are in the United States and specifically, in the midwest. International sponsors don't want to limit themselves with a majority of US races and US sponsors don't want to lose several races per year to international markets. Granted, much of the sponsorship issues comes down to viewers, but I wonder what the sponsorship discussions would look like if it was billed as strictly American racing or strictly international (with the addition of several new international venues).

This weekends race is shaping up to be a solid race for the Aussie favorite, Will Power, who took the PEAK Motor Oil Pole Award. Here's how the practice and qualifying in the days leading up to the race turned out (from

First round

(Two groups; 20 minutes per group with top six advancing)
Group 1: Ryan Hunter-Reay (1:53.1807); Alex Tagliani (1:53.4650); Vitor Meira (1:54.2486); E.J. Viso (1:54.5978); Mario Moraes (1:55.1731); Ryan Briscoe (1:55.4900).
Not advancing: Graham Rahal (1:55.6155); Oriol Servia (1:55.6628); Bruno Junqueira (1:58.0183); Ed Carpenter (1:58.7664); Townsend Bell (1:58.9264); Danica Patrick (No time).

Group 2: Will Power (1:50.4357); Tony Kanaan (1:50.6625); Justin Wilson (1:50.6966); Scott Dixon (1:50.7996); Dario Franchitti (1:51.3389); Helio Castroneves (1:51.5920).
Not advancing: Marco Andertti (1:52.2084); Hideki Mutoh (1:53.3353); Dan Wheldon (1:53.9160); Jaime Camara (1:54.0514); Buddy Rice (1:54.3489); A.J. Foyt IV (No time).

Second round

(One group; 15 minutes with top six advancing)
Advancing: 1. Dixon (1:39.2049); 2. Castroneves (1:39.6232); 3. Dario Franchitti (1:39.8594); 4. Briscoe (1:40.3121); 5. Power (1:40.4642); 6. Hunter-Reay (1:40.8848).
Not advancing: 7. Tagliani (1:41.3122); 8. Kanaan (1:41.4023); 9. Wilson (1:42.0429); 10. Viso (1:42.9185); 11. Meira (1:44.3348); 12. Moraes (1:51.5054).

Firestone Fast Six

(10-minute shootout)
1. Power (1:34.9451); 2. Dixon (1:35.7672); 3. Briscoe (1:35.8007); 4. Franchitti (1:35.9336); 5. Hunter-Reay (1:36.4030); 6. Castroneves (1:36.7425)

The race is a day away!

I am back from my business trip (more on that in another post) and now I am more nervous then ever about the 10k I am doing tomorrow. See today I went to pick up my race packet and man you talk about intimidation! First I feel like a schmuck because I am only running a 10K and these people are running a freaking marathon. Second there are Marines everywhere, I don't know why but it is a bit intimidating and it shouldn't be because my husband is a LTC in the Army so I know military life! :)

The weather looks like it will cooperate I type that while trying to cross my fingers because they are calling for a nasty day today but then again they were calling for it yesterdays too and it never came to be. Hopefully they aren't a day behind in their forecasting.

So at this point I am trying to stay clam and focused get all my stuff together, I have also threaten my husband that if he isn't at the finish line there will be you know what to pay!!!

OK I am off to Saturday Soccer! I'll report back late tomorrow. Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Judul bikin konflik? - Filem tentang budak Kelantan kelas ketiga di KL


BEGINIKAH wajah, sikap dan penampilan anak-anak muda Kelantan? Asrulfaizal dalam satu babak filem Budak Kelantan.

TERPERAP dan tertangguh selama lebih dua tahun bukan persoalan utama yang harus diperdebatkan kerana banyak juga filem lain yang bertapa sehingga bertahun-tahun sebelum dibawa ke layar perak.

Apa yang menjadi tarikan tentang filem ini pastinya istilah Budak Kelantan yang digunapakai menjadi judulnya menggantikan judul asal yang berakar-umbi di perdu jiwa sang sutradaranya, Wan Azli Wan Jusoh iaitu Koya Best.

Dalam dialek Kelantan, Azli sebenarnya 'tok sejoin' (kurang berpuas hati) dengan pilihan yang dibuat pihak penerbit, Grand Brilliance Sdn. Bhd. (GBSB) menerusi anak syarikat, Altenate Studio yang mahukan judul, Budak Kelantan.

NASKHAH yang diolah secara bersahaja menjadi daya tarikan.

Alasan Wan Azli, dia bimbang judul Budak Kelantan akan membenihkan prasangka yang tidak enak kerana judul sedemikian seperti merumuskan setiap visual ciptaan ke kanvas filem sulungnya itu akan dilihat seratus peratus menterjemahkan perilaku masyarakat dari negeri Cik Siti Wan Kembang.

"Tetapi ini filem, bila dah namanya filem, ia bukan lagi satu realiti walaupun asalnya idea filem ini dikutip daripada pengalaman dan cerita-cerita orang di sekeliling saya. Saya membesar dalam lingkungan masyarakat Kelantan dan budak-budak Kelantan. Jadi saya tahu dan faham cara hidup mereka.

"Kalau orang Kelantan akan marah nanti, saya faham kerana latar filem ini memang begitu, ia berkisar tentang konflik sosial segelintir generasi muda anak Kelantan yang tinggal di Kuala Lumpur (KL).

"Bukan semuanya tentang kejahatan, saya tetapkan masukkan sifat baik. Jadi ia seimbang kerana dalam setiap masyarakat, ada yang jahat dan ada yang baik.

"Bila penerbit nak tukar judulnya kepada KB - KL - Amerika, saya boleh terima kerana bunyinya seakan-akan kena dengan apa yang cuba saya sampaikan, tapi bila letak Budak Kelantan, alamak, saya jadi risau sikit.

"Saya lebih suka Koya Best kerana memang saya nak sampaikan 'koya best' yang difahami di kalangan masyarakat Kelantan sebagai mereka-mereka dalam yang keadaan atau kondisi minda yang tertawan (berangan)," tegas Azli yang pertama kali bergelar pengarah filem menerusi Budak Kelantan.

TIGA pendukung watak utama Budak Kelantan, Danny, Bienda dan Asrulfaizal.

Hatinya sedikit berat tetapi rasional dengan pendekatan penerbit yang mahu filem pertamanya ini mudah sampai dan meresap ke mata hati peminat filem, Azli menerima strategi komersial ini dengan fikiran terbuka.

Sebagai penerbit, Pengurus Besar Grand Brilliance Sdn. Bhd., Ahmad Puad Onah pula tidak membantah kiranya Azli masih tebal dengan prinsipnya mahu filem digelar Koya Best.

"Kami tiada masalah tapi sebagai penerbit kami ambil Koya Best sebagai working title (judul semasa dalam pembikinan). Bila dah siap kami fikir tajuk itu agak sukar untuk difahami oleh audiens.

"Selepas perbincangan, tercetuslah KB - KL - Amerika, tapi terlalu meleret, sudah nak sebut. Kami bincang sekali lagi dan timbulnya Budak Kelantan. Kami fikir ia lebih tepat, lebih dekat di hati khalayak, mudah difahami dan lebih komersial," ulas Puad tentang pertukaran tajuk filem ini yang mencetuskan sedikit tanda-tanya.

Apa-apapun sebuah filem yang baik tetap akan berdiri sebagai sebuah filem yang baik walaupun tercampak ke lorong yang gelap dan tidak berpenghuni. Judul gempak yang melonjak sehingga ke langit ketujuh sekalipun tidak menjanjikan apa-apa jika pengisiannya hancur dan fokus entah ke mana-mana.

Bagi Wan Azli, baik atau buruknya filem sulung yang menjalani perjalanan yang panjang inilah yang akan terisi ke dalam profil kerjaya seninya.

"Saya menulis dan menggarap filem ini dengan idea yang berlapis-lapis, kalau penonton yang datang menonton dan nampak nilai-nilai baik dan jahat yang saya persembahkan, itu sudah cukup," jelas Azli yang banyak melampiaskan idea kreatifnya menerusi teater dan sastera sejak melanjutkan pelajaran ke Akademi Seni Kebangsaan (kini ASWARA) dan UiTM dalam bidang seni persembahan.

WAN AZLI (kiri sekali) bersama barisan karyawan Budak Kelantan (dari kiri), Ayie, Bienda, Asrulfaizal, Danny dan Md Eyzendy Md Aziz.

"Saya cuma bermain dengan ideologi sosial dan tentang semangat dan imej Amerika yang telah masuk ke dalam masyarakat dunia ketiga.

"Saya cuma ambil budak-budak Kelantan sebagai contoh. Budak-budak Kelantan yang saya kenal kalau nak pakai seluar, nak pakai jenama Levis dan banyak lagi.

"Tetapi hakikatnya filem ini membawa roh gelap lawan terang iaitu kejahatan melawan kebaikan seperti yang sering digunakan dalam teater tradisional, hukum karma," jelas Wan Azli, 33, memperincikan isi perut Budak Kelantan.

Walaupun hampir keseluruhan kondisi filem ini diuli oleh air tangan anak Kelantan, bermula daripada pengarah, skrip, dialek, penasihat skrip serta kesemua pelakon yang terlibat, filem Budak Kelantan bukan disasarkan hanya kepada orang Kelantan.

"Sasaran saya untuk seluruh dunia," kata Wan Azli berseloroh padahal dalam hati, dia mungkin sedar hanya orang Kelantan sahaja yang faham bahasa filemnya ini kalau tidak dibantu oleh sari kata bahasa Melayu yang lengkap.

Apa yang membanggakan, walaupun dibikin dalam bajet dan ruang yang sedikit memberi tekanan, awal-awal lagi filem yang bakal ke pawagam 30 Oktober ini boleh diberi pujian.

Pertama kerana cerita dan keduanya lakonan. Rata-rata yang menyaksikan Budak Kelantan akan tertawan dengan pengolahan yang disajikan secara bersahaja oleh pelakon-pelakon yang menjayakan filem ini, terutamanya Mohd. Asrulfaizal Kamaruzaman yang memerankan watak Jaha, Danny X-Factor (Buchek), seorang lepasan universiti dan Bienda (Che Nor).

Watak-watak lain, Md Eyzendy Md Aziz (Li Bokbong), Wan Md Zuhari Wan Harun (Peija), Muhammad Haqqam Hakiri (Meghei Cikgu) dan Hushairi Husain atau Ayie (Wak Junuh) juga secara semulajadi menggambarkan gaya dan stail hidup budak Kelantan kelas ketiga yang ada di celah-celah KL.

"Saya sendiri puas hati dengan Azrul, walaupun dia baru dan tak dikenali tapi lakonan dia bagus. Danny pula seorang pelakon yang boleh masuk ke dalam situasi yang saya mahukan, kelebihan Danny kerana dia sudah popular," luah pengarah yang pernah menghasilkan teater Ari Ni Jadi Jahat ini, jujur.

p/s: jgn lupa untuk saksikan BUDAK KELANTAN the making of di televisi anda!

THE BED!!!!!!

So... this is our VERY LARGE bed in our VERY SMALL room! I know, it took me a long time to finally get these pictures on here. But it took me FOREVER to finish the bedding! So here it is, finally posted. Adam made the bed frame, isn't it amazing! He made it out of antique doors we bought a year ago in Scipio. Notice the door handle plate in the bottom? He did a fantastic job, and made our side tables to match. He is so talented. I'm so lucky to have a handyman around!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

anugerah SKRIN AMATUR @ MURAI 2008

KUALA LUMPUR, 22 OKT 2008: Filem Satu arahan Zulman Zeki Supardi, 22, (gambar atas kiri) diumumkan sebagai Filem Terbaik dalam pertandingan filem pendek online pertama, Skrin Amatur@Murai 2008 anjuran

Keputusan ini diumumkan pada majlis Malam Skrin Amatur@Murai 2008 yang berlangsung di Restoran Lemon, Mines Shopping Centre, Seri Kembangan, Selangor, malam tadi, 21 Oktober 2008.

Dengan kejayaan itu, Zulman yang juga bekas pelajar Akademi Seni Budaya Dan Warisan Kebangsaan (Aswara), menerima wang tunai RM3,000, trofi serta Skim Latihan Perfileman dengan Metrowealth International Group (MIG) yang juga salah satu penaja utama pertandingan itu.

Zulman menerima hadiah itu daripada Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Perbadanan Kemajuan Filem Nasional Malaysia (FINAS), Haji Zulkifli Ab Wahab. FINAS juga adalah penganjur bersama Skrin Amatur@Murai 2008.

Tempat kedua Filem Terbaik dibolot oleh filem Setitik Tompok Hitam arahan Al Mubarakah Suleiman. Ia dibintangi oleh Ida Nerina, Nor Aziah Abu Bakar dan Abu Bakar Omar. Filem ini mengisahkan tentang bahana sumbang mahram yang berlaku dalam sebuah keluarga. Pemenangnya menerima wang tunai RM2,000 dan trofi.

Tempat ketiga Filem Terbaik pula diraih Satelit Buruk arahan pelajar dari Sabah, Jamie S Roscom. Ia dibintangi barisan pelakon amatur seperti Rahmah Jaafar, Rosnah Mohd Saad dan Nor'aini Baharudin. Filem ini mengisahkan tentang sikap suka mengumpat di kalangan masyarakat di sebuah kampung yang akhirnya membawa kesan buruk. Dengan kejayaan itu, Jamie menerima wang tunai RM1,000 dan trofi.

Bagi kategori Filem Pendek Paling Popular pula, ia menepati ramalan dan pilihan ramai pengunjung portal ini apabila dimenangi oleh Stages. Pengarahnya, Mohd Hafiz Naslallizi, yang baru berusia 20, berjaya membawa pulang sebuah trofi dan wang tunai RM2,000.

Filem Stages diminati ramai kerana menyelitkan penggunaan kesan khas dan memaparkan cerita komedi tentang seorang lelaki yang sedang bermimpi.

p.s: alhamdulillah... :)

hari sedih dalam hidup saya

life is full of shit.
tapi aku nak salah kan siapa?
kawan2? bf? siapa?

sepatutnya aku salah kan diri sendiri.

kawan2 tak salah...sebab diaorang tak tau.
bf tak salah..sebab semalam dia pergi main futsal.
Tuhan lagi la tak salah.kenapa nak salahkan tuhan?
Dia dah penat bg petunjuk... :(

Dia bg aku keriangan.tapi sebab terlalu riang akhirnya aku berduka.
tapi dalam masa aku berduka tu, Dia selitkan sedikit kegembiraan.alhamdulillah...syukur ya Allah.

semoga kegembiraan ini berterusan.
sapa yang suka berduka.betul?

p/s: cepat pulih wahai lap top ku...aku sayang kan kau. :)
p/s: tahniah kepada gherkine team.setitik tompk hitam menang nombor dua di Skrin Amatur @ Murai.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I am starting to get nervous........

Why you might ask? well I took on this challenge to run in my first 10k and I have been pretty good about training but I am worried that I will turn in a horrible time and the people who have been cheering me on will be disappointed. Sunday is the Marine Corp 10K which will be run the same time as the Marine Corp marathon. Truth be told I feel a bit whimpy for not trying to do the marathon too.

I will run one more time before Sunday's race hopefully I can get the run in on Wednesday before I take off on business travel.

Saturday I have decided to kick my husband out of the house to go play cards so I can get a good nights sleep and try to relax. The sitter is coming over at 6: 30am on Sunday so hubs can drive me down to the Pentagon parkign lot and hold my hand till race time. My dear friend Magin will hopefully make it and be able to take some great pictures of the day so I can remember my first 10K ever.

I am sure I will post more as the day gets closer sorry for droning on but for those of you who really know me, you know I hate to do anything half assed I am all about giving anything I do a 150% which I have found can be a bit draining sometimes.

Monday, October 20, 2008

satu masa yang lepas.

          kerr.kak ra.akhil.haidar.a.nuat.rizi & mafia
famili manggis.
during SEPI film the making of...

And the winner of the breast cancer giveaway is............

Laski Gal Thank you all so much for participating and sharing your stories!

Enjoy your Bath and Body Work this Cancer Vixen Kit!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


aku tak sedap hati hari ni...
ke sebab hari ni hari isnin?



In India’s motorcycle history a new chapter begins. A masterpiece is born. While inheriting the quality of the famous brand YAMAHA, the FZ16 was also born to revolutionize the era and carry out a mission. Its appearance more than any other, overflows with dynamism and originality. The running performance is brimming with thrust that overpowers all others. This quality solely belongs to YAMAHA’s advanced technologies. The FZ16 takes attention away from others on the road . You will be drawn to this bike that in the next era will become the king of the streets. The design of this superb stuff is done in such a way that it will definitely attract the youth.

The rider’s will is spread to the handle, the body and then the engine giving birth to unprecedented torque. This force is truly dynamic. Due to minute calculations and overcoming major challenges, an ultimate body balance has been produced. The running performance of this bike is extremely exciting. The superb performance brings riding feel, which when you ride provides you an emotional high. Thus this is unique not only for the rider but also a source of great fascination to the onlooker. With the FZ16 you have the sensation of ruling the streets to your heart’s content.


Engine type - Air-cooled, 4-stroke, SOHC, 2-valve

Displacement - 153.0cm3

Bore & Stroke - 58.0 × 57.9mm

Compression ratio - 9.5:1

Maximum output - 14PS / 7500 rpm

Maximum torque - 14 N.m / 6000 rpm

Starting method - Electric starter

Lubrication type - Wet sump

Carburetor type - BS26

Clutch type - Constant mesh wet multiplate

Ignition type - CDI

reduction ratio - 3.409 / 2.857

Transmission type - Return type 5-speed

Frame type - Diamond

Suspension - Telescopic / Monocross

Wheelbase - 1,335mm

Brake type(front/rear) - Hydraulic single disc / drum

Tire size (front/rear) -100/80-17 / 140/60-R17

Overall - 1,975mm × 770mm × 1,045mm
(Length × Width × Height)

Seat height - 790mm

Wheelbase - 1,335mm

Minimum ground clearance - 160mm

Dry weight/Curb weight - 126 kg / 137 kg

Fuel tank volume - 12 liters

Engine oil volume - 1.2 liters

For further technical details click here

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Blog Anniversary to me, Happy Blog Anniversary to me

Happy Blog Anniversary The Daily Grind

Happy Blog Anniversary to me!

A year ago today I started this little blog and I must say now I am happy that I did, I have met some amazing women, gotten some wonderful ideas, won some fabo stuff and received some out of this world gifts.

So thank you to all that keep up with my crazy life, I love you all and I hope you enjoy keeping up with me as much as I enjoy keeping up with you!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Babe! For real this time! Be safe on your trip, and if you get cold, just snuggle up next to Kevy :) Oh, by the way, Pete is so proud of his TV, he's showing everyone! So, instead of constantly sending him the pic i took for him on my phone, thought I'd just post a picture of his new plasma. He LOVES it!

konvo lapuk.

saya pasti ramai yang akan marah.
nana.bye.zila.fafa.wany.hajar.sunny & sapa2 yang terlibat.
padahal konvo dh bertahun.hihih.baru nak upload.
penyakit pun sbb terjumpa gamba.kalau tidak lenyap begitu saja ler... ;p
sorry korang.
ye..wa jahat.. :)

p/s: byk lagi gamba wa malas nak upload.MALAS...MALAS..MALAS hihihihi~

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Jerk Part 2

So my ever so jerky co worker is up to his same old tricks. Last week as you know I was in Williamsburg for some much needed retail therapy. While waiting for my mom as she shopped I was checking my email messages via my blackberry. I felt I was being very efficient responded to things I could, so I would not be behind when I returned to work on Thursday. At one point I saw several emails from "The Jerk" as I opened them I realized some of them were meeting requests in addition to our 2 other meetings. See once a week I have a status meeting with the team to discuss issues and update status from the various areas. Unfortunately the CEO called a 2009 budget meeting which trumped my standing meeting so not only did I decline a meeting that "The Jerk" requested because my day was booked already I also canceled the standing meeting due to the CEO budget meeting. Are you following me so far???? I was not the only one to decline his proposed meetings it seems because about 10 minutes after I declined I received the email below:

OK - I continue to get push back about meetings when I am only trying to set up one meeting a week.
Steve, I'm still not sure when you are available since I don't have your calendar. Is that something I need to ask you about every time I want to set up a meeting?
Stephanie, your calendar dictates when I can get a group together because you are in and out of the office and meetings tend to pile up on days you are here.

We scheduled weekly update meetings but haven't actually held them. The latest one was for tomorrow and was quickly pulled when a conflict came up and not rescheduled (and that conflict got moved 5 minutes later). Those aren't my meetings and I don’t control the agenda so I'm not sure what the standing format is because we haven't actually had them… I see this entire week passing by with no meetings to resolve open issue on the life products at a time when that is one of the critical issues on the timeline. I can continue to throw things out via e-mail and try to get a consensus but that doesn't seem like the best way to do things. I could stand in doorways every day and gather each team member's opinions on things and majority wins but that seems like a lot of running around.

Please enlighten me on how things get done around here so I can get on board and move things along effectively. I am open to suggestions but we need to get this stuff taken care of. Thank you for your valuable input.

I was irritated to say the least! So I not being in the office did the best I could with the situation that was presented ...I sent an email back which I copied to his boss as well as mine Oh and if you are still with me his boss reports to my boss so essentially his boss and I are equals.


I would prefer to have this conversation in person however since I am out today this will have to do. You are correct that tomorrows meeting was canceled then the meeting that trumped it was rescheduled. Quite honestly I forgot to put it back on the calendar after the reschedule. However since then it has come to my attention that the budget documents for that meeting have not yet been finalized therefore that time may be needed in order to make final revisions. In light of your email I assume there are pressing matters that must be addressed therefore I will forgo that time to have the standing meeting as scheduled. We have the 16th meeting as planned and the 23rd will need to be made up maybe on the 24th since I and Steve are at a TPA off site. Tomorrow I would like to have some face to face time with you prior to our meeting to further discuss this email. I will be in the office by 8 am or earlier. SBW

This spineless jerk not only didn't come at his usually break of dawn time so we could talk, he came minutes before a meeting that was called by my boss to address his email. My boss informed him that if he continued to send snippy emails there would be repercussions and then further went on to say that I and I alone would be presenting to the CEO in the budget meeting later that afternoon and he should speak only when spoken to and from now on direction was to come from me not him! It was all I could do not to pee my pants from internal laughter. Needless to say I have not seen anymore snippy emails.

corfis in d' making

last week.
7 to 9th october 2008, manggis pro terlibat dgn shooting CORFIS (something yang kena mengena dgn kementerian kesihatan) di MMA (malaysia medical associates).ala2 video corporate.3 hari shooting tu rasa macam 3 tahun.not in d mood.maybe masih dlm mood raya kot? atau pun sebab job last minute.a bit tertekan alhamdulillah, dapat lakukan dan habiskan dengan tenang dan baik.
crew yang terlibat pun tak ramai.
director - pojee
producer/asst director - kerr (aku ler tuh)
crew - jon
        - mafia
        - zul

ok lah cuma tu ler.keje last minute memang mcm *@#%$ (simbol mencarut) sket.nasib baik semua nya ok.crew ok.yang terlibat pun far so good! :)

out.having fun.II

penambahan gambar2 di blog supaya blog ini nampak colourful... ;p
ini kawan2 baru saya sejak saya bekerja di manggis production.
weeeeweetttt! ;)

out.having fun.

*sebab tu la saya suka keje di manggis*  ;p

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

hari bintang jatuh 25 oktober 2008

hye korang! :)
on 25th October 2008, jangan ketinggalan untuk sama-sama memeriahkan first event by wany ardy di no 153, malaysian institute of art's red bungalow, jln ampang.tak susah nak cari.belakang pelita nasi kandar yang dekat dgn klcc, apa yang best kat sana menanti anda? well. kat sana ada mcm2 acara.dari yang kecik2 hingga yang besar2.ada kedai jual2 barang.makanan.baju.stuffy yang cute.semua la! mesti korang sangat suka.. :)

jadi, saya amat mengalu2 kan kedatangan anda semua.tiket murah saja.rm10..anda akan menikmati kemeriahan yang tiada tolok bandingan nya!!! 
datang ok.saya tunggu anda di sana!!!!! :p

A little of this and a little of that

Well, as promised here are my finds from last week. I finally got them unpacked and put away during the long weekend. Which really wasn't very long at all. I will fill you in!!! But first the LOOT!!!
Goodies not only for us but for my book club friends

Shoes because I love comfy shoes

I am a huge huge Yankee candle fan!
So I popped into the Yankee candle outlet and splurged!!

The kids needed some new duds I think I did good!

So all last week we had our old Au pair here to visit from New Zealand, the kids had a blast and it was good to see her and catch up. However there was some territorial issues between the old and the new, seems that Celia was not to pleased to have Abby here and Abby was none to impressed with the way Celia handles the kids. Either way you slice it not a fun situation. I will post more about it in a post all it's own.

Once we got Abby safely on her way the Whalen Inn welcomed another set of guests my in-laws, again the kids were happy to see them as were the grandparents to see the kids.

Sunday I went for my last long training run before the 10K I plan to run on the 26th of this month. I took, at Nap Warden's suggestion, an ice bath after my run and I must say it did make recovery much better. Yet I did seem to do a lot of sleeping on Sunday.

Monday was errand and get ready for the week day since we were all off and my in laws were still with us. I was able to get the treasures put away and all the laundry done as well as the 100 other household things that seem to creep up. I also got some pumpkins and a hay to decorate the front stoop. Again more to come on that.

Finally here I sit in a hotel room in Pensacola FL for work I will be here till tomorrow then back home in time for back to school night and 1st grade homework.

Basically it was just another world wind weekend in the house of Whalen. Now I am gong to take advantage of the peace and quiet and read all the blogs I have been missing out on the past week.

**** Tick Tock Tick Tock time is running out on my Breast Cancer giveaway so hurry up and enter!!!!

Adam's "Birthday"

Since Pete is going to be hunting on his birthday, we decided to celebrate it the weekend before. I had an early day off at work to attend my friend's sealing on Friday, so I got to surprise Adam, which NEVER happens! I had worked out to get a 42" plasma to my parent's house that I had bought for his birthday and my pregnant little sister helped me get it to our house and set it up. I bought a yummy looking birthday cake and made him chili and cornbread, as per Pete's request. He was so excited as he walked through the door after work and saw his new plasma! He's wanted one since we got married and right now was the perfect time to get one. We rented a movie to watch on his new TV that night and ate cake and popcorn! Happy Birthday, BAB!!! :)

The funny voice you hear is me :) We talk funny to each other to make us laugh. Notice that Adam is a little distracted? Can't take his eyes of High Definition!!! :)


My poor dad has season tickets to the BYU games and my mom has to work every other Saturday! So, after my dad went to two games all by himself, I could finally go with him! It was freezing! I wore 4 shirts (two long and two short sleeve) long garms, two pair of long underwear bottoms, snow pants, two pair of thick socks, a scarf, beenie, two sweatshirts, ski coat, and brought a blanket! The only thing i din't use was one of my sweatshirts and I sat on the blanket. Luckily, it didn't rain! Or SNOW!!! BYU won and we went to dinner at TGIFridays after, to avoid traffic and get a bite to eat. Don't mind the weird face in the picture. I was trying really hard not to shake the camera when I was shivering and I have hat hair from my beenie. Thanks for taking me, Daddy!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Porsche, Audi & Alfa Romeo Interested in the series

From |

Porsche and Alfa-Romeo didn't have much success the last time they tried Indy ca
rs but apparently both are seriously considering coming back to the Indianapolis 500 and IndyCar series. has learned that Porsche, Alfa and Audi were the three engine manufacturers at last month's meeting here and all have shown interest in joining Honda in the series starting in 2011. Read more...

It will be exciting to see how the 2010 and 2011 seasons come together. (Not to mention next year!) I'm thrilled to see new interest in the series and think it can only mean good things. I do wish we would see some US based interest.

It's especially surprising to see Porsche and Alfa Romeo interested in returning considering the bad experiences they've had in the past with the IndyCar Series. Having said that, the IndyCar Series seems to be the best deal (value?) going in motorsports right now for drivers, sponsors and apparently manufacturers.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Shopping Glorious Shopping!

Ok so the 2 hour ride down was not bad, conversation and traffic flowed and before I knew it we were there. So at 9am the shopping began, I must say that this horrible economy has produced a number of extremely good deals, as retailers are desperate to sell stuff to you. Lucky for me this is an annual trip that I save for all year, so I had some money to spend, don't know that that will be the case next year but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

So here are my new everyday dishes! Are they cute or what??? I was able to pick up a set of 12 place settings for under $100 I was also able to pick up some new silverware as well.

So the day wore on, me in the stores shopping with my mom and every time I was ready to check out so was she and she was right on top of me while I did, with motherly sayings like, "did you use the coupon", "do you really think the kids will like that?" "wow that is a large bill" I was ready to choke her. When she is checking out I totally give her space, there is no sense in me being stuck to her like velcro. I think a big part of it is she wanted to know how much I spent. Why I am not sure maybe she is trying to figure out how much we make based on what we buy, who knows. Truthfully it's just plain annoying not to have some personal space.

Here were my treasures, I have been too tired to unpack them so I am looking forward to my long weekend to put everything away here are the store I patronized
Jones NY
Nine West
Children's Place
Polo Factory Outlet
Geoffery Bean (they are going out of business did you know that?)
Peperidge Farm--- They sell Godiva there!!!!!!
Coach (I didn't buy I only went into smell the leather :)
And I am sure there are some others I missed.

So at 5pm we were back in the car headed home again, the drive was not so bad, a few comments here and there got under my skin like "Dan must be scared to death about getting out of the Army and into the "Real world" ......umm last time I checked the Army was pretty real world and it is a bit insulting to innuendo that someones 20 year in the military was not real world. I am sure my mom wouldn't like it if I said something to the fact of "well you know my job is much harder then yours was because you were only a secretary!" I swear sometimes I don't think she thinks at all before she speaks. Anyway I survived and came out with some GREAT bargain's as I unpack them I will be sure to take pictures and blog about it.

A little teaser..... the jerk at work has struck again but this time I think I truly showed him who was boss I will have more details to come next week.

Also if you haven't already don't forget to enter my Breast Cancer Giveaway!

Have a great LONG weekend, I will be by your blogs checking out what I have missed in the last week or so.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


lama dah tak menaip dlm blog ni.bukan malas.cuma not in the mood.hiii..lagipun musim raya.
owh..bercakap pasal raya, teringin juga nak ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA pada sapa2 yang membaca blog ini, semua kawan2, famili etc. maaf zahir batin.kalau2 ada salah silap..harap di maafkan.

sebenarnya saje je, nak berkongsi berita gembira.hihih.alhamdulillah...lately rezeki aku murah je.kejap itu, kejap ini.syukur.. :) dalam minggu ini je ada dua berita gembira utk aku.
1st : on 25th, insyaallah kalau betul itu rezeki aku...aku akan dapat hp baru.hihi.sebenar nya tak payah nak xcited tp aku xcited gak sebab hp ni menang masa masuk pertandingan.lagipun hp aku memang tgh rosak ni.baru cadang2 nak beli baru or repair, tp maybe Tuhan tu tak nak tgk aku membazir so Dia bg aku rezeki yang ini.huhu.alhamdulillah.
(kerr, jgn takbur dan bongkak..insyaallah.)

2nd : last 2 days...dapat panggilan untuk interview for a job.more on event managment.gaji pun besar.ada training aku decide tak pegi ambik job tu.bukan apa.aku tak nak tamak.kerja di manggis ni pun aku dah sgt happy.. :) kawan2 pun best.opis ceria.keje tenang.nak apa lagi...cukup la dulu.esok2 mesti ada rezeki lagi.betul tak?
crdt to kawan2 :
*rizi (jiran sebelah meja) - suka nama lu wa letak dlm blog? hihih~
*zul (jiran sebelah kiri meja)
*jon (jiran selang semeja)
*mafia (jiran yang jauh di hadapan)

so aku tak mau minta lebih drpada Tuhan.Dia dh bg kebahagiaan lebih kat aku.biar la aku cukup byr terima kasih ni kat Dia dulu, then baru pikir yang lain2... :)

apa lagi...tadi macam byk je aku nak tulis dlm blog ni.owh ye! sejak balik raya hari tu, kepala aku ni ligat je berpusing.byk sgt plan nak buat.meh aku list kan kat bawah tak sure mana dapat capai dulu.hihi.tak pe.berangan je dulu pun ok gak.pelan2...

1).sambung buat master. - teringin nk smbung master.maybe kat indonesia.still on film studies.or interior dgsn?
2).buat lesen kereta. - yang ni pasti buat.wajib buat.tapi bila?
3).beli mac. - senang buat lance?
4).ptptn????? ;p

so mana yang agak2 berbaloi untuk masa sekarang ni? 
tunggu dan lihat.
insyaallah ada rezeki....amin! :)


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Retail Therapy here I come!

Hi, have you been wondering where I am...what no you haven't well I am hurt!!!!!

I did write a post this week about my awesome Favortie things box that arrived but I started the post back in late Sept. in anticipation and when I went back to finish it I didn't realize that when I posted it that it would post on the date I started the draft so here it is.

Today I am headed to Williamsburg, VA for some much needed retail therapy, I will be gone all day, hopefully I will come back with lots of treasures to share or at the very least a story about my mom since I will spend a whopping 4 hours in the car with her; surely there is a blog story or 2 there!

I'll be back!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Matos to drive for Luczo Dragon

Luczo Dragon Racing announced today that Raphael Matos would take over the drivers seat in the number 12 Symantec car as a full-time entry to the IndyCar Series in 2009. Matos, who is from Belo Horizonte, Brazil, enters the IndyCar Series with an IndyLights Championship under his belt. Click here to learn more about Matos.

Monday, October 6, 2008


I have long hair since 7th grade. So... a LONG time! Since being on the pill, my soft, flowing hair has become a course, tangled mess most of the time. I finally got so sick of it, so when Pete commented that I would look cute with short hair, I started thinking about much easier to take care of.....get rid of bad ends.....still look cute..... I made my decision. After looking in magazines and online, I found the length I wanted and style to make it look good. I made Pete take these pictures so everyone can see the dramatic change this was. I almost backed out when I started freaking myself out, but I am so glad I didn't. The "after" picture my hair is a little flat, but it was raining all day so it got a little wet and flat. Hope you like the new look!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Update on the Castroneves story

CNN Story Here. What a shame for such a nice guy and for the league. Helio has plead not guilty and paid $2 million cash and signed an $8 million personal surety bond to gain his release. It seems that he has placed his trust with his finances in the hands of the wrong person. Here's to hoping the IndyCar community supports their star until proven guilty. While we can all debate his guilt or innocence one thing that we can all agree on is that he is an asset to the series and would be severely missed if he left for any reason.

We'll continue to provide updates as they're released.

The Ginormous Quilt!

I've been working on this quilt forever! What seemed like a simple enough project has turn into a massive pain in the butt, but it's coming. I finally finish tying it last night (with no help, thanks Pete!) so I just have to finish the edging and the pillows. Give me a week and I'll try to post some pictures of the bed. Sorry!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dancing his way to tax evasion??

Say it isn't so...

From the AP - Full Story Here.
MIAMI (AP) — Two-time Indianapolis 500 winner and TV "Dancing With the Stars" champion Helio Castroneves was indicted Thursday on tax evasion and tax fraud charges, accused of using offshore accounts to hide millions of dollars in income from the Internal Revenue Service...