Thursday, February 5, 2009 my head!

Ok so the retirement ceremony and the retirement party went well. I have pictures to share however I didn't bring them with me to work so I will have to post them later.

I am so glad that I pushed Dan to have this party because I think he needed closure on the whole military experience. He hadn't been to work for the Army since Nov 19th and his first day of the new job was Jan 12th. So he had a ton of down time and no real closure to the experience. Now we have closure and can move on!!

However, I must tell you that there are day's were I laugh at him and his new corp life, because he thinks his commute and the daily riggers of corp life are so ridiculous. Yesterday was not a day I was laughing though....I had had a bad day at the office. I felt as pregnant as can be even though I am still barely showing I am told and I was just plain dead butt tired. We were talking about the kids at the dinner table after they had left to start their baths. He was saying he feels a million miles away working a nearly 40 min drive away and I blew up (in my mind). I travel an hour each way in traffic everyday and have for the last 4 1/2 years. He has done it for a month and I just wanted to shout "Shut up already! Suck it up and put your big boy pants on this is the real world."

Sorry I know that sounded a bit harsh but I do have pregnancy hormones running through my body! Hopefully he will get into the routine and I will be less hormonal soon otherwise I am afraid I might really yell at him next time.

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