Sunday, December 21, 2008

Don't forget the Box Tops!

So it's that time of year again ....It's time to line our tables with food and happiness to share with our family and friends, As the Box Tops coordinator for my child's school, I feel it is my duty to remind you as you pause at the shelves of your local grocery store or as my neighbor says "Food Hole" look for products that bare the Box Top symbol on them! Why you ask? Well, for each one of those logos you collect, your son or daughters school will receive 10 cents to use towards buying educational supplies for their school. Our school was able to collect enough Box tops that we received a check which allowed us to purchase a smart board for one of our class rooms. These smart boards cost near $2500 a piece.

To make collection fun the Box Tops website has all kinds of neat seasonal collection projects. So in the spirit of giving purchase form Box top products and cut out the logos for your school. I even have the Grandparents and some of my coworkers involved.

Lastly Don't forget about the Marketplace, when you go to the Box Tops website click on the Marketplace tab and you will find a ton of online merchants that will give anywhere from 1% to 5% of your purchase tot he school of your choice.

Happy Holiday's !!!!!

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