Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bah humbug

So every night this week I have had some sort of evening commitment, be it personal or work (mostly work), I have not run since Sunday’s race and I feel crappy because I am eating at all these events. I have a ton of wrapping to do and I still have not found the perfect gift for my husband! Over all the season has taken me over and not in a good way.

2 days ago I came home about 7pm (mind you I left the house that morning at 6am)only to find he house in total and I mean total disarray. I can’t stand to walk into the house after a long day and find it a mess. It makes me crazy. I am one of these people believes that everything has a place. My babysitter is great about getting things picked up and put together before I come home, my hubby on the other hand…… not so much.

I had hoped that the mess I saw was only in the basement which I could deal with, but no the mess continued to the kitchen and up the bedrooms. So of course I was stomping around putting things away, Dan asks “what’s the deal”, I explode! I think it’s a combination of the pressure of the holidays, the work load I am carrying and truthfully a bit of jealousy that hubby is home for the next month until he starts his new job. However since he is home I would think that things would be a bit more put together. I don’t think I have ever had him come home and the house is totally destroyed. I know I am whining I am just tired. My husband is a great guy and he tries very hard to please me. I feel bad that I acted the way I did a couple of nights ago. I know this time of year is supposed to be fun and joyous but as I get older it seems to lose a little of that every year.

So I am hanging on by a thread if I can make it to the 23rd I will have a full 12 days to just be with the family and hopefully relax a bit.

Are you feeling the pressure of the season? If so how do you cope with it?

I promise to be in a better mood in my next post!

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