Friday, August 7, 2009

Maru and Fame!

As you may or may not know, I am obsessed with Maru.

He is a big fat Scottish Fold kitty with his own blog:

(Which I follow religiously) and he is huge in Japan as well as on Youtube.

This is probably his most famous video:

In the blog there are pictures and videos of Maru going about his sunshine happy day. And the dialog for the pictures is just toooooo adorable! If it got any more adorable I would probably never ever ever have a bad day ever again. Or be angry. Or unhappy. (Bad Luck for the Denny Monster until that day comes)

So I was just rolling around the web and I found this web article about Maru and why he is such a success on the web:

"In that time, Maru has acquired over 13,000 subscribers and 600,000 channel views — his channel is the No. 7 all-time most subscribed YouTube partner in Japan."

Holy CRAP! 600,000 channel views! That is amazing. He even has his own book coming out! And I of course am a sucker for all cat books - as I already have the "I Can Haz Cheeseburger" and "Bad Cat" 1 and 2. It is just a matter of time before this book makes it to the states and I get it into my greedy little hands.

So all this got me thinking......

Pucca and Yuki are just as cute if not way more cute than that Maru cat. In fact I KNOW they are. Not just because they are my babies and I happen to love them more than anything, but because they ARE so wonderful and funny and cute and happy and sunshine day!

It is my hope to make Pucca and Yuki the next big thing on the Internet!

Please note I am prepared if one cat becomes more famous than the other cat. I know how this industry works and I am prepared for the worst. I mean look at the Winston videos:

You can clearly see there is another cat in the household but they never mention that poor cat. It is because he does not get views and the cat that gets the views is the cat you take the video of. Cold hearted yes, but this is viral video. Shoot to win the views baby!

I already have a video of Pucca on YouTube:

As you can see I need a better camera, but OMG! Isn't this just adorable! Her going around looking for the other kitty in the video! LOL

The only down side is I feel dirty about the whole thing. Not naughty kinky dirty but a reality tv show dirty like the Real New Jersey Housewives or I'm a Celebrity Get me Out of Here! (Again that whole cold hearted viral video thing) I would hope for more of a Maru feeling or a Jon and Kate Plus 8 before the whole divorce thing. Or Say Yes to The Dress! I love that show. And Cake Boss - even though half of the crap that happens on that show is totally rigged. Which will probably happen with my videos - rig the cuteness - put them in a box, tape on their paws, etc. I am just too impatient to wait for the cute to happen on its own.

I just to convince myself that I am not exploiting my babies - just making sure the world knows what I know - that they are the most adorable kitties in the WHOLE WORLD!

I already have a marketing plan - hit up,,, facebook, twitter and SPAM everything with Pucca and Yuki to draw views to the youtube site and then maybe make a blog with cute little dialog. (Totally jacked from the Maru website)

Although lets be honest here - I am one lazy mofo and will do all this for about a week and then get bored and find something else to do. I am shocked I am still posting on my blog everyday. Although it isn't like I have anything better to do (like work). I mean I am obsessed with kitties, but having a video going or ready to go in case the cats do something funny or cool - that just isn't going to happen. Not to mention I am very unlucky with being in the right place at the right time with a camera. I will end up with just videos and pictures of Pucca and Yuki sleeping and purring.

Its ok though. There are nerd bucket geeks like me rolling around the Internet who are willing to watch any kind of cat video. Even if the cat is just sleeping or purring.

****Edit: See! This is what I am talking about:

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