Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dr appt at 36 weeks

With my first 2 kids I was induced for no particular reason. Well, ok with the first it was because my husband was in the military and in an area where getting a call to him was nearly impossible and the idea of him missing our first child's birth did not float with me. So we elected to induce at 39 weeks. The second induction was done out of sheer convenience but thank goodness it was because none of us (including the Dr) had a clue that my son was so big 10 lbs 2 oz 22 inches. I was in labor when they finally started to induce.

So here I am with number 3, I have a new Dr (that is another post all together) and the practice has been great, I just naturally assumed I would be able to induce like the other 2. Well the reality of that came crashing down a bit for me on Friday after doing an internal exam and finding that nothing is moving, not effaced, not dilated the Dr. warned me that if my body does not cooperate meaning dilate and efface he will not allow me to induce at 39 weeks. Panic set in! "I am a planner" I said
"The idea of going into labor at home in a non clinical setting terrifies me"
"I hear ya" he says
"but the last thing you want is a C section if your body is not responding"
He right I ahve never had a C section and I don't want to start now if I don't have to... I have a 1/2 marathon in January to train for!

He did agree that because I have had 2 non eventful births by induction and because of the size of my last baby and potential of this baby to be big he would at least schedule my induction but not to have my hopes set on things going that way. As he said "You could go all on your own at 38 weeks you never know" Next week they will let me llok at the schedule and pic a day.

I know women have been going into labor on their own for years but the whole having my water break or having contractions in the middle of that night, not my cup of tea! So here I sit waiting.

Yesterday, I drove my husband crazy because at 6:30pm which is either my weekend napping time or my I need to go to bed time I was full, I mean FULL of energy, I kept saying I need to do something! I think nesting has totally really set in. Today I have cooking and baking planned along with all the laundry to get done and I am not at all overwhelmed by it!

Stay tuned..... we know there is more to come.

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