Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cheating On A Crossword

Every time I pick up the Onion I always get this urge to try my hand at the crossword puzzle at the end of the paper. Usually there are about 3 questions (not sure if they are really called questions) that I know the answer to and the rest I have no clue what the answer is let alone what the hell they are even asking.

So today I decided I would cheat and use google to try and answer all the questions.

This back fired on me horribly when google pulled up this search result:

It is a freaking blog about crosswords and this person happen to do the crossword I am doing and has the crossword filled out and posted on her blog! DAMN IT!

If I was the type of person who could ignore it and go about my way I would be ok. But because I know where the answers are I cannot help but look at it. There is no point to even try and finish the crossword puzzle as originally planed. :(

This blows more than a hooker on 2 for 1 night.

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