Friday, March 6, 2009

Since when does love equal fists to the face???

I don't really voice my opinion on pop culture much when I write on this blog. However the media circus that surrounds this Chris Brown Rihanna issue has really started to piss me off.

I am trying to wrap my arms around why a young lady with her whole life in front of her, a career that is white hot and a the support of a half the world would feel she needs or wants to go back to that clown. I wouldn't even consider going back to this jerk of a human being. I would kick him to the curb in a hot second. No boy or man should ever even have it in his mind that after he hits a woman that he will be forgiven and taken back. He not only hit Rihanna he beat the living crap out of her face. (if you haven't seen the picture google it, out of respect for her I will not show it here) The police report gives details of him hitting her while driving, to the point she had blood poling in her mouth spraying onto her clothes and the interior of the car. Nothing says love like a right handed fist to the face over and over again! NOT

HELLO Rihanna.......that is not someone who loves you!!!!! If he did he wouldn't even think to lay a hand on you! I can only hope that someone in Rihanna's camp sits her down and talk some sense into her. She may be an adult but she is not an adult with years of life experience under her belt and she still needs guidance.The message that she is sending to young fans and the women who are currently being batter is the wrong one. She needs to stand up and tell Chris Brown to hit the road and then watch as the justice system applies the appropriate punishment for his crime(s). That to me seems like the most sensible thing to me crazy!!!

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