Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kids... say the most amazing things.

I have to share with all of you what just happened a few hours ago...

This afternoon as I dropped Dan off at the train station for a week long business trip, he opened the back-seat passengers door to give the kids a hug and a kiss good bye. Jackson said "I love you" and handed him a card he had made. Dan shut the door and as he shut the door Jackson yelled "wait I have something to tell you" Dan opened the door and Jackson said "May God be with you Daddy" My heart melted and tears began flow down my face. Dan came to my side of the car to say good bye and said to me "by your reaction I can tell you didn't prompt him to say that," I smiled and said no that was all him. I asked Jackson as I pulled away why he said what he said to Dan and he said because he wanted Daddy to be safe on his trip!

OK I m sure we all have these heart warming stories but for my 4 1/2 year a old to do that unprompted I thought was amazing. I am so lucky to be his mommy!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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