Monday, August 3, 2009

Cats I Happy To Be Stalking

There are a few cats around the apartment complex that are pretty friendly. They let me hang out with them and even pet them. My boyfriend calls it stalking, I call it visiting. Although the Denny Monster lives in fear that I am going to catnap the kitties and the police will be called and it will just be a huge mess. Denny Monster also said he would refuse to hide me should the cops find out were I am.

Patrick - I want to Catnap him! He is such a sweetheart! With the cutest little meow. I think I love him so much because he reminds me of my black cat that I used to have. Lets me pet him and hold him and love him all the day long!

Loki - I have only rolled with him twice. Friendly and mouthy.

Mina - She is the kitty I met when I first started hoboing around the apartment complex. She was busy chasing a squirrel. The second time I met her she was up the tree and almost got the squirrel - but I saved the day. And got Mina down from the tree and she was so sweet she followed me everywhere. She even followed me inside the apartment. I told her she needed to go home and walked her out. She is a very cool kitty.

This is the tortie. I don't know her name but she is Patrick's sister. She is a bit timid but cool. When the Denny Monster tries to pet her though she hisses. LOL. She does not like the Denny Monster at all!

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