Thursday, August 20, 2009

Work stress and disappointment

So I have been a bit slack in posting here lately. In my last post I talked about my work situation needing it's own post so here we go.

I have been working on a rather large project for the last 16 months, this project was going to be my biggest accomplish to date in my working career and it was my hope that is would get me promoted to an officer level VP, needless to say a bit of a big deal.

The past year has been full of long hours, road trips and tough meetings but it was all starting to come together and even though I missed my first target date of July 1st things were still going well that is until July 15th. When road block after road block seemed to appear. The Sr. management of my company changed drastically and suddenly my project was not a popular project. It was very hard not to take it personally but I kept fighting through a) because I believed in what I was doing and b) because I knew this would have great payoffs for not only my family and the company but me as well. To say I was driven and passionate would be an understatement.

My dreams of stardom came crashing down Aug 10th when I was informed by the President (my boss) that my project was being put on hold till late 2010 due to capital (money) issues. Seems that we had a rough 2nd quarter which resulted in a company wide loss and the powers that be were hunkering down and looking to ride out what they perceive as a storm ahead. I was crushed...beyond crushed….. I was devastated. For those of you that know me personally and those of you who have read my blog long enough you probably get that I am a very driven person. When I make my mind up I throw myself into something a 120% add to that I am a very competitive person well it can be a very scary sight. My project it seems has gone up in smoke and I have been told to stand down. So for a week I went through a bit of a grieving process. I kid you not when I say I went from shock and disbelief to anger to shear emotion. (Not good when very pregnant)

I am trying my best to look at this as a glass half full situation, it will allow me to focus on the birth of my daughter without distraction, I can relax a bit while home on maternity leave and hopefully come back to work with a fresh perspective instead of felling like I never left.

All that said it is still not easy to switch gears. I am now working from home because the hour long commute to work was getting the best of me and I plan to work from home till I deliver while it is nice to shift gears it feels very odd and I am doing my best to adjust. Honestly I think I am still in the grieving process just a bit. I am hoping the arrival of our daughter will take some of the sting out of the last week and half, as I need something happy to look forward to.
Tomorrow an update on my baby creating progress and a finally belly picture!

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