Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today is a special day

I am sitting here in awe, I am normally not one to go into political issues with those I don’t know and maybe it is because I have lived in DC area all my life and I am somewhat numb to the political machine. This is different but not for the reasons you might think. Yes we have elected an African American president and I completely understand the significance of this. I can’t say that I blown away by that fact mostly because I have grown up in an area where the culture is a melting pot of sorts. I played basketball on my high school basketball l team, which was mostly black but I also when to a high school that was mostly white. So I get color, race and creed issues and I am happy to say I don’t have a problem with them.

No this inauguration is not about race for me it is about a feeling of renewed strength in my nation, a feeling of patriotism that I only new through history books and old film clips. Call me an old soul but I feel a sense of Camelot. The idea of a family in the white house that shares what I believe which is family first as well as a sense of pride and respect for this wonderful country fills me with optimism for my children and my children’s children.

Ironically yesterday our president elect called us to a day of service, my family has served the country for many years and some might say we have done our duty after 20 years of military service, but I was reminded yesterday that while my husband and my family may be leaving the military we are still called to serve and it is that service regardless if it’s military, community or church based that service will drive this country back to greatness. Sure we will always be hated by some, what’s the old saying “you can’t please all of the people all of the time”

Today is a defining moment for me in my adult life because I feel in my gut we the American people have been rallied in the best possibly way and we are on the pinnacle of a new beginning. I pray that once the festivities have subsided and the general buzz has passed that we all roll up our sleeves, hold each other accountable and return this nation to greatness.
God Bless you and your family President elect Obama and Vice President elect Binden and enjoy your day!

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