I've had a little secret that I have wanted to tell since Christmas, but the timing just didn't seem right. Some of you who might have been following my blog from it's beginning might remember that I have toyed with the idea of expanding the family. Most if not all of you told me to get to work and that I would never regret adding to my already crazy home. I thought long and hard, I had conversations with hubby, I talked with girlfriends, some of which thought I was crazy. I mean.... I got rid of all my baby stuff, I would need to start from scratch and I am certainly not getting younger as the years go on, would child birth be as smooth as it was the first 2 times? What on earth was I thinking!!!!
Well, I took the leap, I never wanted to regret not having a 3rd child. I am happy to announce that in early September our family will expand by one... yes we are expecting a baby!!!
I can't lie to you and tell you that when the news was first confirmed that I didn't have a wave of panic come over me, actually it was more like a title wave. However now that I have shared with family and close friends it is starting to become extremely exciting and it is definitely feeling like the right decision for our family.
We have not yet told Dan's folks as they will be here Wednesday for the weekend long Retirement festivities (I swear this retirement thing has been going on for months now) I need a creative and cute way of telling them, don't worry they don't read the blog at least I don't think so ....if so Surprise!!!
So here is our new addition I was so relieved to see the heartbeat, and that little peanut size blob.
So send me your ideas, because I would prefer not to just blurt it out like I did to my boss, stay tuned for that story as well as the story of how my mother responded to the news.

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