Friday, January 30, 2009

Presents! Yay!

Here's what the UPS man brought me today! I've always wanted my own sewing machine, and with the LARGE amount of sewing I've been doing lately, and the evening drives to my mom's to use her machine, Pete finally told me I needed to buy my own or he would buy it for me. After waiting what seemed like FOREVER, it finally arrived today! I can't wait to start using it. My mom's sewing machine is almost 30 years old, so it will be fun to use a newer model. Thanks sweetheart! I love it already and haven't even gotten to open it yet!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I have a way with announcements...not!

So I want to thank all of you for your ideas on how to share the news with my in laws about our newest member of the Whalen clan unfortunately I wasn't able to come up with anything clever and really didn't have enough time to do so because my in-laws arrived a day early due to the snow and ice storm we had brewing on the east coast. So when they arrived on Tuesday night they met us for dinner and after some small talk my husband says we have some news that we didn't want to share with you over the phone or via email. I think they panicked for a second then Dan gestured to me, I smiled and said go ahead, he then said to his parents don't get rid of the crib at your house just yet. It took a second but then they got it and cheers erupted!

Why is it so hard to or in my case so awkward to tell people that you are pregnant? As I shared in my last post I have told my boss as well as my mother. Both announcements were filled with trepidation for me, both for different reasons. I'll start with my work announcement first.

I was out of town on business travel last week in the Midwest for 3 days, my boss and I were traveling together and I knew that this would be the perfect time to make my announcement. I had already shared with a close colleague of mine and he assured me that my boss would be very understanding. A bit of background here ...I have been tasked with launching a new venture which has been over a year in the making and is due to launch July 2009 so timing is a bit tight.

So as we are driving from Kansas City, MO to Omaha, NE we are all chatting and we are discussing how I met my husband and my boss says to me he is shocked that I met my husband online, so what do I respond with? Well ,I have some even more shocking news "I'm pregnant" tactful huh? Truthfully I was dying to tell him because it was bugging me so it felt good to get it off my chest. I'll chalk that one up to crazy pregnancy hormones. He is totally on board and supportive, I have provided him a plan for while I'm out on maternity leave and all is well.

Now my mother on the other hand was a totally different story. I took her to lunch with the kids about 2 weeks ago and planned to tell her over dessert since I knew the kids would be engrossed with dessert and wouldn't be paying attention to what Mommy and Gran were discussing. Well, I told her I had some news and she looked at me with a bit of a puzzled face and then said "don't tell me" keep in mind it was not the typical "don't tell me" with a smile, it was more of a disappointed look. I said yup I am pregnant and my mom said "oh" then went on to hit me with these questions:
"What about childcare?"
What about all that wight you lost?"
"Did you plan this?"
"What about your age?"
"Where are you going to put the baby?"
What about work and your promotion? You know they won't promote you now"
"Aren't you worried about the age difference?"

I could go on but I think you get the picture, it was totally what I expected and I smiled through it all and in the end said this is a good thing a happy thing and we are very excited. After lunch I asked her if she could take a ride with me to the pharmacy to pick up the kids meds (they both had sinus infections) I wanted her to sit in the car with the kids while I ran in to pick up the prescription that way I didn't have to take the kids in and out. She came with us and when I returned to the car she said I am not so sure why I am so worried because you seem to be cool as a cucumber. To which I responded "Yes, I am calm and I am happy, it isn't like I am some unwed 16 year old announcing this news" I acknowledge I didn't need to take my comment to that level however that is basically the response I got from her when I told her. Quite frankly her comment about being worried for me I know is true but I also know it was her way of trying to cover herself for the way she reacted.

I am glad all the big announcements are over now, hopefully I can now relax and try to enjoy this pregnancy as much as one can enjoy being pregnant :)

Today we are headed to Dan's official Military retirement ceremony, he parents are here and they are very excited and proud of their son as well they should be. Saturday I am hosting a dinner for 30 or so people in honor of Dan so I hope to have some great photos to share.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

a big NO-NO

1. jangan jadi berlagak.
2. jangan tunjuk pandai.
3. jangan terlalu mengharap.
4. jangan memberi harapan.
5. jangan degil.
6. jangan membazir.
7. jangan menderhaka kepada emak ayah.
8. jangan asyik nak ber'shopping' . ;(
9. jangan buang masa.
10.jangan bergaduh.
11.jangan hilang kawan2.
12. jangan LUPA TUHAN.. :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Date Night

On Friday night, we hung out with Kevin and Amber. It was really fun. First, we went to do sealings at the Jordan River Temple, which was packed! Luckily, Amber and Kevin's ward had reserved a spot or we would have been there for hours waiting. When we walked out of the temple, it was so foggy. We went to Bonsai, one of my favs, and did teppenyaki. Gotta love it. After dinner, we got ice cream cones and went to Kev and Amber's and Kevin talked us into playing a few rounds of Scattergories. All in all, it was a way fun night with our friends and I even learned how to make my house more "cozy." PS Amber, I moved my furniture around like yours was, and I really like it! Adam even does, and he doesn't do so well with change :) Love ya babe!


Chinese New Year dh pun tiba so maknanye dh masuk pun tahun baru Year Of Ox!! tahun aku tu kalau nk tau. So mcm biasa bila tiba je raya cina mesti la kedai2 byk yg tutup kalau yg bukak pun kedai2 besar je. Nk jalan2 mall pun berape kerat je kedai yg bukak, jdi activity yg paling elok utk buat masa raya cina just dok umah je! tp tahun ni raya cina mmg cuti panjang for a week! byk la jugak org kota ni balik kampung maka jln2 kt KL, PJ dan mana2 la mmg lengang gilos,xde jammed, xde maki hamun, xde accident, dan byk la sgt polis merata tmpat nk cri makan. 

1 day before hari raya me,nina,mummy,mama lin and the kids pegi la jln2 kt The Curve ,Damansara sbb yg nk pegi Nichii! so kami pun brjalan2 la sebelum kedai semua tutup sbb org2 cina semua nk balik makan besar ngan family. bila dh abis beli2 kt nichii,aku and nina trsangat la lapar sbb sblm kuar umah kitorang x mkn sbb aku ngan nina yg masak so bila dh masak tu amik bau je dh kenyang. bila dh ptg skit bru la nk rasa lapar smpai pening2 kepala.

kami pun cri la tmpat nk makan tp byk sgt yg dh tutup dulu so kami pun decided pegi ke Ikano next to Ikea utk mkn kt Kluang Station! bila dh smpai kt Kluang Station especially nina yg smpai dulu sbb dia yg dh lapar sgt abis dia tinggalkn kitorang. kami pun order la food,mama lin and mummy ngan roti bakar and telur setengah masak, nina ngan nasi goreng while aku lak order nasi lemak ngan ayam masak merah, wuissshhhh sedap la jugak sbb dh lapar jdik bedal je la. 

Barley ice favourite aku...

Karipap yg nmpak je x pedas tp pedas giler + panas sungguh!!

my nasi lemak yg dh sekerat aku bedal bru ingat nk amik gmbar... hehehhh...

masa kami tgh makan tiba2 trdengar la bunyi gendang cina tandanye on da way buat show. bila dh smapi kt depan Kluang Station cina2 gendang tu buat la show tarian Naga Sakti. sempat lgi stop makan and amik pic sbb btul2 brhenti depan kami! 

Tarian Naga dri Ikano!!

eiiikkk, sambil tu masuk la muka aku ngan spec bru!!! hahaahh, murah je xde nama pun tp mmg stylo la tu yg mama lin pun sibuk nk beli gak!! bila dh sama spec mcm nk suruh aku cri yg lain je.. ermmmm!!!

me wit new spec!!

k lahh tu je story yg ada sbb aku pun x tau nk citer ape lagi sbb aku malas nk citer panjang2!!! 


OK the cat is out of the bag.....

I've had a little secret that I have wanted to tell since Christmas, but the timing just didn't seem right. Some of you who might have been following my blog from it's beginning might remember that I have toyed with the idea of expanding the family. Most if not all of you told me to get to work and that I would never regret adding to my already crazy home. I thought long and hard, I had conversations with hubby, I talked with girlfriends, some of which thought I was crazy. I mean.... I got rid of all my baby stuff, I would need to start from scratch and I am certainly not getting younger as the years go on, would child birth be as smooth as it was the first 2 times? What on earth was I thinking!!!!
Well, I took the leap, I never wanted to regret not having a 3rd child. I am happy to announce that in early September our family will expand by one... yes we are expecting a baby!!!

I can't lie to you and tell you that when the news was first confirmed that I didn't have a wave of panic come over me, actually it was more like a title wave. However now that I have shared with family and close friends it is starting to become extremely exciting and it is definitely feeling like the right decision for our family.

We have not yet told Dan's folks as they will be here Wednesday for the weekend long Retirement festivities (I swear this retirement thing has been going on for months now) I need a creative and cute way of telling them, don't worry they don't read the blog at least I don't think so ....if so Surprise!!!

So here is our new addition I was so relieved to see the heartbeat, and that little peanut size blob.So send me your ideas, because I would prefer not to just blurt it out like I did to my boss, stay tuned for that story as well as the story of how my mother responded to the news.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ready to go home

I have been out of town on business the last 3 days and I am so ready to go home and play with the the kids!!! I did however figure out that I must have this bed that slept in at the Hilton. I swear to you I will be on a mission when I get home to find this bed the linens as well as the pillows. I have woken up refreshed every morning!

While I have been on the road I have had 15-17 hour days and I am starting to realize I am not as young as I used to be, Also for anyone who thinks business travel is glamous think again! I remember back in my 20's I used to have this idea that business travel was like jet setting and boy has that philosophy changed!!!

I did get some great face time with the president of our company and I was able to score some one on one time with him which I think was very very beneficial we shall see though.

I have some news to announce but I will hold off till Monday when everyone is back from their weekends. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and be sure to check back Monday Morning.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Haier HLC32 32 in. LCD TV TV/DVD Combo

Consumer Rating: be the first one to write a review on this projduct
Price Range: $598.00 - $877.00 at 9 stores
Manufacturer: Haier

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

trip part 1

Today is a special day

I am sitting here in awe, I am normally not one to go into political issues with those I don’t know and maybe it is because I have lived in DC area all my life and I am somewhat numb to the political machine. This is different but not for the reasons you might think. Yes we have elected an African American president and I completely understand the significance of this. I can’t say that I blown away by that fact mostly because I have grown up in an area where the culture is a melting pot of sorts. I played basketball on my high school basketball l team, which was mostly black but I also when to a high school that was mostly white. So I get color, race and creed issues and I am happy to say I don’t have a problem with them.

No this inauguration is not about race for me it is about a feeling of renewed strength in my nation, a feeling of patriotism that I only new through history books and old film clips. Call me an old soul but I feel a sense of Camelot. The idea of a family in the white house that shares what I believe which is family first as well as a sense of pride and respect for this wonderful country fills me with optimism for my children and my children’s children.

Ironically yesterday our president elect called us to a day of service, my family has served the country for many years and some might say we have done our duty after 20 years of military service, but I was reminded yesterday that while my husband and my family may be leaving the military we are still called to serve and it is that service regardless if it’s military, community or church based that service will drive this country back to greatness. Sure we will always be hated by some, what’s the old saying “you can’t please all of the people all of the time”

Today is a defining moment for me in my adult life because I feel in my gut we the American people have been rallied in the best possibly way and we are on the pinnacle of a new beginning. I pray that once the festivities have subsided and the general buzz has passed that we all roll up our sleeves, hold each other accountable and return this nation to greatness.
God Bless you and your family President elect Obama and Vice President elect Binden and enjoy your day!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Birth Announcement

This is something I whipped together yesterday for Cristl's new baby.

Sam's Newborn Pics

Love this full body one. Looks like an old grandpa with his poor eye and forehead smooshed :)

Here are some pictures I took of my new nephew this weekend for his birth announcements I made. There was no way I was going to let my little sister pay for a pro photographer and to get announcements printed when I could do them almost as well! So here are a few. I'll post the actual announcement when I'm finished.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

2007 Beck LM 800 Supercar twin turbocharged V8

2007 Beck LM 800 Supercar twin turbocharged V8

The Beck LM 800 is built on the principle of lightweight and aerodynamic efficiency. It uses composite materials to to keep the weight down and a form over function styling brief to keep the frontal area and drag coefficient to a minimum.
The LM 800 is a supercar from Beck Engineering & Composites GmbH based in Switzerland. The Beck LM 800 went on show in January 2007 in Vienna.
The construction of the Beck LM 800 is similar to that found in Formula 1 race cars with a carbon, Kevlar and aluminium composite monocoque protecting the driver and passenger, as well as providing a rigid base to attach the engine and transmission mounts and front control arms of the chassis. The LM 800 has an electronically controlled, hydraulic active chassis also influenced by F1 technology, which reacts to telemetry data and helps to keep the car firmly stuck to the road.
The engine is a V8 especially produced by MTM for the Beck LM 800 with a displacement of 4.2 litres and, thanks to two turbochargers, delivers a performance of around 650 HP (variable from 550 - 1000 hp) to the drive shaft. The drive unit is designed in such a way that even acceleration is achieved across the entire range up to a top speed of over 217 mph. The semi-sequential 7-speed gearbox is perfectly coordinated with the Beck LM 800 and reacts instantly to driver input.
The wheels of the Beck LM 800 are specially made and formed from aluminium. An in-built hydraulic jacking system makes tire changes a breeze.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

MIA Blogger!

I am a horrible awful terrible....... blogger! I just can't seem to get motivated..... what is it with me? I can't seem to find the time to read or me this will be short. I am just in a funk of sorts. I promise to get my bloggy act together maybe this long weekend while I am stuck inside because of the deep freeze going on here not to mention the tons of people who will be invading my city will motivate me to get my bloggy butt in gear!


sebenarnya saya tak sabar nak tunggu weekend ni.harap2 semua nya berjaya.
lama tak lepak.lama tak borak.
aduih! lambatnya masa berlalu... :(

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

mr bastard

beberapa kawan2 perempuan saya menghadapi masalah dalam hidup mereka.
ye..soal lelaki.
saya pun pelik.kenapa lelaki perlu berperwatakan sedemikian?
kawan2 saya bukan nya tidak 'hot'.
kawan2 saya cantik2.
tapi kenapa diperlakukan mcm tu... :(

banyak soalan dalam kepala saya ni.
tapi saya tak tau nak diceritakan pada siapa.
tak tau juga nak di soal kepada siapa.

to my dear MR BASTARD,
sampai mati pun saya takkan maafkan apa yang anda dh buat pada kawan saya.
awak lukakan hati dia.
awak buat dia sedih.
awak buat dia merana.
sebab itu lah hidup awak tak ke mana.
tak sangka perangai awak seburuk wajah awak.
maaf lah!
tapi saya berdoa yang awak akan dijauhkan terus dari kawan saya.

i hate u mr Z.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Engine Type - L twin cylinder, 2 valve per cylinder Desmodromic, air cooled
Displacement - 696 cc Bore x Stroke - 88 x 57,2 mm / 88 x 57.2 mm
Power - 80 HP @ 9000 rpm
Torque - 69 Nm @ 7750 rpm
Fuel injection - Siemens electronic fuel injection, 45 mm throttle
Exhaust - 2 aluminum mufflers
Gearbox - 6-speed
Clutch - APTC wet multiplate with hydraulic control
Frame - Tubular steel trellis frame
Wheelbase - 1452 mm / 57.2 in
Steering Angle - 32°
Front Suspension - Showa 43 mm upside-down fork
Front Wheel - 3-spoke light alloy 3.50 x 17
Rear Suspension - Progressive linkage with preload and rebound Sachs adjustable monoshock Rear Wheel - 3-spoke light alloy 4.50 x 17
Front Brake - 2 x 320 mm discs, 4-piston radial caliper
Rear Brake - 245 mm disc, 2-piston caliper
Fuel Tank Capacity - 15 liters (incl. 3.5 liter reserve) / 3.8 US gal (incl. 0.9 US gal. reserve)
Dry Weight - 163 Kg / 359 lbs
Max Height - 1129 mm / 44.0 in
Max Length - 2100 mm / 82.7 in
Digital unit displaying: Speedometer, tachometer, clock, scheduled maintenance warning, oil temperature, trip fuel, air temperature, lap time, warning light for low oil pressure, fuel level, fuel reserve, neutral, turn signals, over-rev, immobilizer
Warranty - 2 years unlimited mileage

DUCATI MONSTER696 specification,features,photos,review

DUCATI MONSTER696 The Monster is the original "naked" motorcycle. Launched to rave reviews in the early ‘90s, it immediately created a devoted following and became a cult motorcycle. With its fully exposed engine and "less is more" minimalist attitude, the Monster delivers style and real sport bike performance. DUCATI Presents 6 varients 0f MOSTER in 2008.Among them MONSTER696 attracts many becoz its provides comfortable driving,ease in handling and provide great protection.
A comfortable and confidence-inspiring chassis combine with the powerful Ducati L-Twin engine to provide what should be a most enjoyable riding experience. The balance of new technologies expressed in stylishly finished materials is shaped around the original cool Monster heritage. Maintaining its traditional Monster silhouette, the 696 now looks more muscular.
The 696 ergonomics have been improved with subtle but effective changes to the riding position. A shorter reach to the bars and a slightly lower, more forward foot peg position, together with the lowest seat height of any Ducati and a reduction in weight, empowers any rider to become the master of this Monster. The chassis of the new Monster is made up of a new Hybrid Trellis frame with larger diameter tubes.

The engine of the new 696 is an evolution of the previous 695 version.The new Monster 696 has an advanced APTC clutch.The Monster 696 also has a new scheduled maintenance program that reduces costs for the customer.

Will Power to Replace Castroneves at Penske

Will Power will replace Helio Castroneves at Team Penske during the 2009 offseason testing and potentially for the entire season if needed as Castroneves navigates his legal struggles. Power is a solid choice, although somewhat unexpected.

Fully story for here.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I am sure this won't make sense and will be just me rambling on please indulge me. I have been a bit melancholy since Saturday. See a friend of ours lost her battle with ovarian cancer after nearly 14 years. We were friends but we weren't particularly close. Dan met Jim and Diane while he was a Lt. in the Army it was his first assignment and they all seemed to get along really well and for 4 years Dan hung out with them. Dan still recalls saying to Jim "so what's the deal with this Diane chick" Time went on and they moved in their different ways always keeping in touch. Jim was a saber bearer at our wedding in 1999. It was there I first met Diane and she was a lovely woman. We saw each other off and on over the years and they ended up having their finally 2 assignments in the DC area to allow for Diane to be treated here vs. a smaller military facility elsewhere in the country.

When we learned 3 or so months ago that the cancer had spread yet again and at this point was terminal we really didn't know what to say or do. Dan saw Jim a few times and I asked him always to pass on my well wishes. In September a website was set up to help those friends around the country and locally to keep up with Jim ,Diane and Tyler their only son. I checked there often and always said a prayer for Diane after each visits.

Diane was able to spend Christmas with her family at home, she went in to the hospital Jan 3rd to drain fluid from her lung unfortunately the tube inserted to help drain the fluid caused a blood clot that eventually took Diane's life.

Friday last week I checked the website hoping to see a positive update, instead there was no update and that day unlike other days I had a sinking feeling that something was wrong. My sinking feeling was right Diane passed at 4:10 surrounded by loved ones.

She and Jim made a great team he was a loving husband and is a great father. While I wasn't extremely close my heart aches for them. This has been a long battle and I pray that Diane is "hanging with the angels" looking down on all of us saying "don't worry I'm at peace now"

Diane was not much older then me and spent nearly a third of her life battling this horrible disease, I can't help but think how incredibly lucky I am to be healthy and I am not going to take that for granted moving forward.

B. Engineering Edonis Super Car by Jean Marc Borel

B. Engineering Edonis Super Car by Jean Marc Borel

The Edonis cannot be described as a beautiful car, but it certainly eye catching. Its angular, complicated lines crash awkwardly together in a chaotic fashion, this trend is evident from almost every angle. The headlights give the impression of tiredness, or even depression.
The Edonis supercar is a creation of B. Engineering, a company run by Jean Marc Borel. The Edonis was intended as a demonstration of the design and prototype abilities of his company. The B. Engineering Edonis is a genuine supercar with a 0-60 time under 4 seconds, and a maximum speed of 225 mph.
B. Engineering Edonis Super Car by Jean Marc Borel

The Edonis
has little to be sad about. Twin turbochargers feed a 3.7 litre V-12 engine to create a whopping 680 bhp at 8,000 rpm. All this power is run through a six-speed manual gearbox.
Using a monocoque built from carbon fiber the Edonis is very strong and light. All the cosmetic exterior body panels are aluminum. To reduce weight further aluminum brake calipers are used.
To save even more space and weight the Edonis rides on Michelin PAX run-flat tires, this means a spare wheel is surplus to requirement.

Samuel Lee

Here's my new nephew! His name is Samuel and he was born 1/9/09, 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long. He is such a sweet heart, with dark hair, darker skin, and looks like he'll have brown eyes. He is so calm and relaxed, the nurses couldn't get him to cry when he was first born. He just looked around the room, like it was just another day. Cristl is doing great and so is Sam. Here he is, less than a day old, in his Marine outfit my mom found at Build-a-Bear. My brother in law is a Marine and stationed in Iraq, so we took pictures of him in this outfit to send to him. Luckily, Steve (my bro-in-law) got to watch the birth via webcam, listen from a cell phone, and watch it all later on the camcorder. It was lucky for him, because they were shutting down his camp that day, and shortly after Sam was born, they finally shut down power and connection at the camp. It had been delayed. We are so happy to invite him to our family and Pete and I can't wait to kidnap him to give my sister a break from baby and get our baby fix!

Day at the beach!!!

Weekend on 11th Jan 2008 da whole family went to Port Dickson for picnic. As for me aku mmg dh lama x dtg PD,the last time aku pegi PD pun masa umur 10 thn x silap aku!hahahh mmg lama gile x jejakkn kaki kt situ. Kitorang pun smpai cari la spot yg paling xde org ramai sgt. 

ni masa tgh siap2 nk g main pasir. yg sebenarnye mak2 budak yg sibuk nk main cedok2 pasir!!

so cam biasa bila dh g picnic ni mesti ada menu yg best2!! antara yg food yg terhidang mihun goreng, nasi goreng, sandwic sardine and air mineral je. ada gak roti krim utk kunyah2 skit and air kotak Ribena! sebelum g main pasir kena la makan dulu sbb perut pun dh lapar giler babi. maka bermulalah acara yg paling digemari,MAKAN...MAKAN...MAKAN... yg dimulakn oleh NINA da GENDUTS diikuti pula ASU da DEBABS(aku lerr) while the others plak dh pun bergelumang ngan pasir! Ashraf, Sofia and Mikail sungguh la happy dpt main pasir sbb aku belikan utk diorang toy yg cedok2 pasir tu. as for Ashraf and Sofia, ni bru 1st time mandi pantai and main pasir! Ashraf mula2 x nk pijak pasir konon geli tp bila dh letak bg main pasir haaaa ambik kau siap makan pasir lg termasuk la sis kecik dia, Sofia.

me wit mummy tgh mengadap hidangan yg lazat... yuummmyyyy.....

posing dulu sebelum masuk dlm air... time n air blom pasang lg  so kena la gi tgh skit!!!

ni la muka2 bahagia bila dpt main pasir.. yg tua sbnrnye excited bdk2 tgk je!!

BoldAbg Eddie yg rain melayan adik2 keciknye!!!

sofia yg seksi dgn baju swimsuit dia sibuk bermain pasir sambil masuk pasir dlm mulut.
dad yg hanya melihat cucu2nye bermain pasir.. owhhh,so sweet!!!

mak2 yg sibuk ngan mainan anak masing2 sambil membina kononnye sandcastle!!!

lepas habis mandi around 5pm masa tu pun air dh pasang and org pun dh mula ramai kami pun berkemas utk pulang tp sblm tu singgah kt other spot called pantai telok kemang klu x silap lerr. kt situ mmg ramai org sbb ada gerai makan, ada org jual2 baju, jual handicrafts, ada activity tunggang kuda ye.. kitorang stop kt situ sbb nk minum2 and makan la skit! so kami pun order la mee goreng and kueytiow goreng tp x berapa sedap nmpak je menarik tp takde rasa pun! habis makan jln2 jap tgk brg2 yg dijual kt situ. xde beli ape pun sebab brg yg jual pun xde la menarik sgt yg membeli pun nina je larr,dia beli topi cowboy and ada la skit toy utk ashraf and mikail.

sambil jln sambil posing amik gambar...

on da way ke kereta nk pulang ke rumah sbb dh penat masing2.... 

oklah tu je activity kitorang hujung minggu ari tu. ingat macam nk pegi lg picnic!! oooppsss, cam biasa Sam x join sekali sbb dia kena kerja. maybe next time aku nk pegi ngan dia sekali! cuti2 malaysia..hahahhh..

aku dh penat type,mata ngantuk, badan melekit sbb x mandi lg so thats all..



mmg lambat nk posted citer psl birthday ashraf, sofia and daddy!!! busy...busy...busy.. tu je yg boleh aku kata lgpun aku ngadap computer pun bila ada kak umah nina. balik pada citer birthday bdk2 bertiga(ashraf, sofia and daddy pun bdk gak) tu aku ada la buat makan sikit2 x lebih... cake plak sponsor dri mummy and ada la cupcakes sponsor dri aku..hehehh.. 

x la meriah sgt tp ok laa sbb sambut sekali 3 org on 28th dec 2008(dad's bufday). ikutkn plan nk buat barbeque tp malas tu biasa arr sbb penat satu hal!! so just buat kt umah nina dgn hidangan KFC... klau tgk decoration cake tu ngan candle yg brnumber tu cukup arr utk age 72, 2 and 1.. beli 3 nmber pun janji faham sudah lah takut plak bila beli cukup2 nmber ada yg pegi jumpa 'kawan'(biasa arr kalau dh 4 nombor),tak psl2 kena lottery nnti.. wuisshhh haram main nombor!!! 

ni la rupanye birthday cake sponsored dri mummy dan decoration yg berterabur tu dri aku... walaupun rupenye begitu tp yuummmyyyy rasanye sedap smpai jilat pinggan..

tu je yg terhidang atas meja.. cake, cupcakes and KFC!!! oooppsssss, drum atas meja tu x termasuk dlm menu.

tu haa dia birthday boy, ashraf wit atuk Fuad..
ni masa tgh nk blow candle... yg tgh dukung sofia tu Eddie ye!!!

ni plak mulalah acara paling digemari oleh keluarga Encik Fuad,MAKAN TIME!!!

owwhhh,masa tu sam xde join sekali sbb dia kena kerja on weekend!! ok lahh tu je yg bleh aku story  sbb aku ni malas nk type panjang2.. nnti org boring lak baca blog aku!!
