Friday, September 5, 2008


First let me start off by saying my boss is letting me work form home today and I couldn't be more grateful!

OK on most days I can and do put up with territorial bullshit at work, but today I was taken aback when I received an email from my boss in a sense reprimanding me for sending out a meeting request on behalf of someone else to his staff without sending it to him first! The person for whom I made the request is not actually his boss but he is acting in that role. I did what the man asked me to do! At he top of the request it said sent on behalf of.......

Why oh why do people feel the need to be so freaking territorial? This is the gist of what I got "I'm not dead (or retired) yet…. please send any assignments to me instead of to my staff directly". I know it shouldn't burn me but it does. I really do love this man and this is the first time I have ever gotten so much of a cross eye from him maybe that is why it bothers me so. I was just doing what I was asked to do!!!

OK sorry for the rant, I know this is going to stick in my craw all day I can just feel it!

On to happy stuff my little man has preschool orientation today at 11:30, he seems excited which is great! So I will have first day dejavu all over again on Monday! Lauren was cute this morning she asked to bring in an apple for each of her teachers she looked so cute walking into school with her backpack holding her apple.

The weekend I think will be a bit blah we are more then likely going to get some unwanted weather from Hanna so that means rainy indoor time, I need to find some crafts to do!

Hope you have a great weekend, let me know what you are up to maybe you might inspire me!

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