Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I need to get my fingers tapping.......

OK, ever have one of those weeks where you think of all these cool posts to write about but never ever seem to get the time to put fingers to keyboard to get them out of your head???? Well that has been my week, I have been meeting to death at work, I have had to put a new employee ( 7 days here and not my hire) in his place twice already this week! I have back to school night tomorrow and I have to pack and leave detailed instructions for the weekend since I will be on a business trip all weekend!

But trust me I have good posts coming here is a preview......

Box tops market place a cool way to earn your school some cash

Blog anniversary giveaway

My favorite things swap

Kid and family time giveaway

Arrogance in the first 7 days ...not a good idea

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