Monday, June 23, 2008

Why can't all weekends be like this???

It is ever so nice to have a relaxing weekend with little or nothing to do; it was a much needed break for our fast paced family weekends. It all started Friday night with Lauren going to an indoor rock climbing wall. She went with her Dad while the little man and I hung out at home for some mother son bonding he has become quite the UNO player for a 3 year old. Lauren came home on cloud nine talking about how cool it was at the rock climbing place and that she climbed nearly 3 stories high rang a beel and everyone cheered for her. Looks as though we have found a new sport for her; which is great, the even better part was seeing her light up like a Christmas tree that’s what us parents live for.

Saturday was a lazy day till about 11am when we decided to get out of our PJ’s and run a few errands then head to our local pool; we spent 3 hours at the pool and the kids were wiped out by the time we go home. Dan and I had plans to meet some friends for a birthday dinner for a friend which I will blog about later.

Sunday again lazy, not much going on in the house did some chores here and there and made some food for the rest of the week. By 5pm sharp we were at the dinner table having dinner and by 7pm the kiddos were tucked in their beds. Dan and I weren’t far behind them which made for a much better morning this morning when the alarm went off at 5am!!!

All in all my idea of a picture perfect weekend! How about you? What were you up to all weekend?

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