Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday Hodge Podge

Another week has passed and I have so much to talk about.

First the kitchen turned out great I think, as did the new couch however we underestimated the size of our family room so we will need to purchase one more section to the sectional. Check out the photos of the kitchen and the couch, let me know your thoughts; unless you hate it, if so please don’t’ tell me since my wallet won’t be able to take the rejection. LOL

I am in the throws of planning the Kindergarten end of year celebration, they are having field day in the morning then will come into the classroom and have a pizza party with all sorts of treats and a goodie bags to take home. I am bummed that they won’t let me go with the graduation theme since these guys are in their own way graduating but they won’t. They aren’t even having a ceremony for them only an assembly with the rest of the school where they get a certificate. I swear schools are getting a little to PC and I don’t know how celebrating kindergarten graduation is PIC (politically incorrect) but somehow it is. Whatever! I will make sure they have a blast!!!!

I will run in my second 5k this weekend although I am feeling a bit under the weather so I don’t know that I will be able to beat my time from April. The Susan G Koman Race for the Cure is a big race here in Washington DC and there will be a ton of people so we thought it best to let Dan stay home with the kids instead of coming out to watch. I am sad because I was really hoping to have someone there for me at the finish line; it gives me some motivation to run. Oh well maybe when they are a little older.

Once I get home from the race we are going to head to Williamsburg VA to The Great Wolf Lodge, which is a huge indoor waterpark. I have heard great things about it and we were scheduled to go during spring break but things came up. The kids have no idea and I think will be very surprised! I will be sure to fill you all in on the details once we are back.

Dan had an appointment this week with our ENT; he has been having chronic sinus infections all winter and never had them before getting his deviated septum repaired in February 07. Well he had a CT scan and it appears as though my thought of him being strange where right on all along. He has not upper right sinus (above the eye) and the lower right (in the cheek area) is completely blocked. So the big D will need to go under the knife on the 19th of June to help drain those yucky sinuses and hopefully provide him with some relief.

Fathers Day- What the heck do I get the dad that has everything??? I am busying creating Fathers Day Frames for a couple of coworkers who requested them but I have not come up with a plan for Dan..... ideas????? I am open to them.

Blog Bling- Courtney at Quiet Chaos bestowed a cool award to me earlier this week, she is such a sweetie and I am glad that I have been able to help her a bit and I am also supper happy to have found such good blog friend. I know I need to pass this award on but I need to think about that a bit ….more on that to come.

Q& A ----Ya’ll have been great about sending questions my way please please keep them coming I love it! Here are a few more answers to your burning questions

Kimmylyn Asked...
Hmm.. a question .. how about "What is your favorite thing to do with your free time (sans kids/hubby)?
I love to curl up and watch TV in the peace and quiet of my own bed, or if I had the money on a beach somewhere with a cold Corona in my hand.
Michelle Asked...
And my question for you: have you ever had known well child who has wispy hair that just won't grow in? Does it ever grow in? If so, at what age? (Selfishly asked, of course) My Daughter I swore was never going to have any hair she looked to be bald until she was about 16 months then all of a sudden her hair started to grow. It took till she was about 4 before she had a full head of hair. Don't worry it will happen.
April Asked...
Hmmm..a question...if you could go ANYWHERE in the world and money was no option, WHERE would it be?? I would so go on a 30 to 40 day cruise to see the world. How fun would that be????
Courtney Asked..
I have to think of questions, but where do you work? If you don't want to answer that what do you do exactly? I work for an Insurance company as their Director of Operations
Krystyn Asked asked for them....thongs or granny panties? Thong when wearing pants I hate panty lines!!!!
What color are your toenails, if they are painted? My toenails have a french manicure right now
What is your one splurge? I love to buy a nice New Coach purse makes me feel like a celebrity
If you had a million dollars that you HAD to spend, what would you buy? If I have a million dollars I would buy mom a house and new car, fund the kids college, donate to charity, totally redecorate my house with the help of a professional designer! Of course not in that order!
Thanks again for the questions, have a great weekend and see you Monday!

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