Thursday, March 6, 2008

What a day!!!

So my day started at 4:30 my son has strep throat and he was still feverish this morning hence he woke up. So I hit the ground running! By 7:30 I was sitting at my desk plugging away, I was shocked when I looked up and it was 12:30 where had my morning gone! I ate my lunch at my desk (which I do everyday), I got back to work only to have my assistant come in asking me if I was leaving soon. "no" I say "it's only like 2 o'clock" No he says its 3:45 and I thought you had to go pick up both kids today. I was dumbfounded at where my day had gone but grateful that he pulled me away. Normally I only pick up my daughter and my husband gets our son, but today he has a late meeting so I was on double duty as it is I am nearly an hour away so leaving at 4 gets me close to home at 5 but going to pick up my son ads an extra half an hour. Since traffic here in the DC is somewhat unpredictable I try to add some buffer time. While in the car my head is still buzzing with the 3 or more hours I have on my desk that really needed to get done today.

I get both of the kids and upon arriving home I start dinner and proceed to get the daily Kumons homework done ... well that is wear everything started fall apart. Both kids are whining about not wanting to do their work and that they want to watch TV. The rule is you get a half an hour of TV after your homework is done and we have had dinner and a bath. The whining continued and I really started to lose my patience. Dan calls to see if I need any thing and as I pick up the phone I am in my strong mommy voice telling them to "sit down and start you work, I am not going to ask again!" Hello! I say Dan says sounds like you are having a rough time" ya think???

I continue to battle saying "sit down, stop whinning, focus, inside voice"...for the next half an hour. Dan walks in sees my frustration and takes over, only to have as many if not more challenges with the kids. We finally got them both to bed about and hour ago, and I am beat!

I have to honestly say today I was pushed to my wits end with the kids, I feel horrible refelcting on it now and I am sure I am not the only one who has these kinds of days but man today was rough!!! Sorry for bitching and venting but it feels good to get it off my chest :) Hopefully tomorrow is a better day!

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