Sunday, March 16, 2008

And the winner is.....

Courtney has claimed her prize and seems to be
Very excited about her make over!

My first ever giveaway was a lot of fun, I love seeing adn meeting new people! Thanks to all of you that participate. As promised my 2 little gremlins picked the winners here they are showing off who the picked.

Courtney of Life with two beautiful Girls! She will receive a $60 credit to us as she chooses with RS Designs, Revka will take great care of her and I can not wait to see the new look they come up with for Courtney's blog!

Courtney has until Wednesday to contact me to claim her prize. If Courtney doesn’t contact me the runner up is Sarah at Working Mother of Three. Thanks to all that participated, I have a new giveaway coming soon, so stay tuned!

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