Thursday, February 21, 2008


When my friend called me Tuesday morning and told me the rumor he had heard about the merger and how it was actually going to happen, I was thrilled to death. Still am. Is it just me, or is anyone else feeling like it's been a year since we first heard the story break. Wait, maybe I'm just thinking of the past 12 years that the series have been split....who knows...

Well, in any event, I'm excited for tomorrow. Just in case you haven't gotten a chance to check out Curt Cavin's blog on IndyStar (who by the way, has some great IndyCar coverage and is featured on the front page) I figured I'd give you a quick update on what is rumored to be the latest...And again, I have to give Curt Cavin's GREAT coverage of this story all of the credit for this update...I just want to make sure our community has the update as well...

Tony George and KK are having dinner at a restaurant downtown -- (this is my guess -- I'm going to go with St. Elmo's or Harry & Izzy's) and Cavin says he is unsure of whether they will actually reach an agreement tonight. The press conference is tentatively scheduled for 11:45 am EST tomorrow. Word on the street is that it will be a live stream on -- I wish I could provide it to our members, but alas, I don't yet have that kind of access....

We'll keep you posted on the latest news tomorrow as best we can!

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