Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday wrap up!

First I want to thank all the people who left me comments and or sent me emails about my Tuesday-Toot post. I was a little nervous to share this as I am not one who likes to be in the spot light. Winning my CEO award filled me with pride and your comments and emails filled me with that same pride this week. Thank You!

So if you recall I wrote about my daughters Kindergarten progress report, the meeting with the teacher was to happen Tuesday this week but because of weather we postponed till Thursday. So yesterday we had our sit down with the teacher and she fully explained the evaluation process. Which now makes much more sense; when we asked here why they don't given that explanation to they parents when they give the progress report she said she wishes they would, but for some reason they don't and she has brought it up to the school administrators many times. Bottom line my Beautiful Lauren is doing great and she is on the way to mastering all of the kindergarten objectives and then some. However she still needs to learn to focus more on the task at hand, she tends to get sidetracked very easily. Anyone have tips? I am all ears!

I have been given a sneak peek at my new blog design and I think it is coming along, I can't wait to unveil it soon, Revka at RS Designs is great! Go check her out.


This week was an exciting week I not only was tagged to do my first meme but I also was given 2 awards the first from Girlymom is the mother of 4 beautiful girls and I am so impressed by her love and compassion for her family. In my next life I think I want to be her.

So I am passing on this award to :
Nap Warden

Second I received an award from Holly Holly I am new to her blog but I am digging it. I look forward to getting to know her better in the coming months.

So I am passing this award to :

Stephanie cool name by the way *wink*

Have a great long weekend, the family and I are headed to the mountains of Pennsylvania for a weekend of skiing and fun! I am sure I will have stories to share when I get back!

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