Monday, January 7, 2008

The Tooth Fairy comes again!

So last night my almost 6 year old (March 30) lost her third tooth this one was right in the front. She had been playing with it all weekend and it was starting to bug me. So after dinner she played with it some more much to her daddy's dismay. How is it a big burly army man is so skived out by a loose tooth. Anyway she continues to play and it starts to bleed I suggested that we go up and brush our teeth hoping that the action of the brush would knock this thing out. We get to the bathroom she continues to play with it then before I know it my super sensitive I cry if I get looked at the wrong way let alone see blood coming from my mouth 5 year old pulls the tooth out! She proudly shows me the tooth and smiles a toothless bloody grin, truly a mom moment and thankfully my husband was not in the room as he surely would have passed out : )

Here she is in all her glory!

Now while all this is great, I am starting to wonder about her losing so many teeth so early at least it seems early to me. The dentist says it is fine but every person I talk to tells me their kids didn't loose teeth till they were almost 7!!! Am I just being a worrywart??

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