Monday, January 21, 2008

Long Weekend.... What long Weekend???

So it started Friday around noon, the tribe headed up to upstate NY to see my husbands parents for our "family Christmas". My husband picks me up at work and begins to tell me how pissed he is at the kids. Mind you this man who never says a cross word. When I ask why he looks at me as though I have a horn growing out of my head! What? I say, I mean I am not a mind reader! Well with that I opened the flood gates. He proceeded to tell me how the kids were not quiet during his important phone call, how hey were fighting with each other asking for food, wanting a new DVD etc. It took every ounce of willpower I had to say "well, then why did you keep them home if this call was so blessed important!" He went on for like 5 minutes all the while looking for my sympathy then his cell phone rang. As he talked I heard the ever so sweet lady on our navigation system tell him like 4 times to make a U turn when legally able to do so, I was waiting for her to tell him to get off the phone and make a *&^ing U turn but she never did, so he just kept talking and driving. When he finally finished the call we were on some back country road winding our way through MD. I was steaming because I knew we were going to get to NY at like 10pm because he was so wrapped up in his call that we were now taking the back road route to NY. He then proceeds to pick up the "I am upset with the kids conversation" where he left off. All the while are kids are sitting like angels watching a DVD and playing a video game. After he had beat that dead horse as much as he could we proceed on to other topics of conversation for the next 7 hours.

We ended up getting to NY about 9pm the kids were all pumped up to see nana and pop pop and didn't get to bed till midnight, thankfully they slept in! The next day was Christmas gifts and going into town to show off the grand kids, Sunday was more the same.

I made the mistake of trying to get on the computer at my in laws house forgetting that they still have dial up... it was painfully trying to read some of my normal blog friends sites so finally I gave up. ( I plan to catch up tonight if possible)

Last night was my 3rd night on the pull out coach in the family room, BTW it is also the location of the only TV so the house so the lucky people who sleep in that room need to wait until everyone has gotten their fill of TV for the night before they can go to sleep. Last night it was 11pm and I was tapping my toes because I wanted to get some sleep on that ever so comfortable pull out. Needless to say after 3 nights on a full size pull out (we have a king bed at home) I was ready for my own bed! I was up at 7am this morning and was showered and dressed before anyone because the thought of another minute in that bed killed me.

We started our journey home today at 10:30am I had a splitting headache and the kids were now driving me bonkers with their requests of juice boxes, new videos and snacks. We finally made it home at 5:30pm and I raced around trying to unpack, throw a load of laundry in, get ready for the week ahead and put the kids to bed. It is now 8:28 and I just realized my long weekend is GONE!!!!

It was all for a good cause he kids love to see their grandparents and they love to see them Below are some pictures, I am off in search of some peace and quiet until 5am tomorrow!

Here are the proud Grandparents

Some more candid shots of Nana and Pop pop

Finally my tribe before the ride home

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