Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Usually every April I take a week off and stay home so I can
purge our family of all the crap we have collected throughout the year. Now
that isn’t to say I don’t do this all year as well but there is something about
being able to spend days not hours cleaning stuff.

I am strange I know but I LOVE the sense of accomplishment I
feel when I finishing cleaning and organizing something.

Thus far this week I have:
  • Cleaned our office (books and papers Purged)
  • Transformed the back deck from a winter mess to a spring haven (if you can tell me how to get rid of pollen I am all ears)
  • Done 6 loads of laundry
  • Cleaned my clothes closet and thinned out my shoe rack
  • Organized all the kids closets and clothes
  • Cleaned the garage
I still have stuff left to do but most of that is the fun
stuff like going shopping for the kids new spring/summer clothes, seeing
friends for lunch, watching the royal wedding and relaxing a bit.
After a week of this I may be ready to go back to work!


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