Friday, April 29, 2011

Everyone loves a wedding!

So this morning at 5:20 am I and people around world tuned in for the Royal Wedding. I do vividly recall watching Williams Mother Marry Prince Charles nearly 30 years ago on July 29, 1981. The date is easy to remember because it was my mother’s birthday. I recall being up early to watch and also being glued to the TV so as not to miss a moment of the coverage since there was no such thing as TiVo or DVR.

Today was for me wonderful and a bit bittersweet. It was wonderful to see 2 very happy people exchange vows and cement their lives together for all their loved ones (and a good bit of the world) to see. IN a strange way I felt a kinship to Kate as I remember being the bride who found her Price charming and simply wanted all the people I knew and loved to witness our pledge of love to one another. Regardless if you are royalty or girl from Alexandria VA the sense of calm, peace, excitement and jubilation all at one time is the same. The bittersweet part for me was watching with my kids and building some of the same memories I had with my mother. I miss my mom so much, and events such as today bring back the good memories of my childhood and my life with her.

I was tickled when my 6 year old Jackson kept asking “are they going to kiss, are they going to kiss?” He was giddy with excitement as they did it not once but twice for the entire world to see. My 9 year old was staring at the dress, the veil and of course the tiara. I told her “see one day that could be you” and the beauty is it truly one day will be her, maybe not on that grand of a scale, but hopefully with the same grace and poise shown by Kate and William today.

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