Friday, February 18, 2011

Disney Princess Half Marathon is only 9 days away………..

Last year after running my first ever half marathon at Disney in what I would later be described as epic conditions. I decided that I wanted to run more races and that my next Disney race would be the Disney Princess Half Marathon. Well I am happy to say I am headed back to Disney to don my tiara and running shoes!
I am much less nervous for this Disney race compared to last! I have 3 half under my belt and I have been coached by the best coaches around Steve (my life and running yoda) and Bart Yasso.
My last half earned me a PR of 2:18, nearly 18 minutes faster than that cold icy day in January when even Mickey and Minnie weren’t’ so happy J I attribute that time to the training plan by Bart and the editors at Runners world, as well as to the support provided by them prior to and on race day.
I would like to hope I can once again improve my time, injuries my not allow for that, but this time around I plan to enjoy the ride instead of just trying to hold on till the ride is over.
I will be sure to do a post race recap so stay tuned!!!!

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