Friday, July 16, 2010

Look What I Made

So I wanted to try a for real project. Not just some lame hemming. Mostly because I suck at hemming. So I thought something that had real directions would be a little bit more helpful in getting me to use and know my sewing machine better. Plus Denis was giving me a hard time for buying it and it just sitting there and me just sitting there.

So I got this book:

And I was like cool - what is something useful I can make?

A art brush holder - also can hold knitting needles! Word! Because I have like tons of those running around and shit gets broken like all the time. Plus the cats chew on them so lets get this mo fo going.

So I tore apart that fabric picture frame I did because it sucked and didn't go with my bedroom decor. 

And this is how it turned out
You should brace yourself

So it looks good from far away, but when you get close:

and the back

The book said to do some kind of box stitch

This is how my interpretation of it went:

Denis offered to do the sewing for me for future projects. fml

The End

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