Thursday, July 29, 2010

In Love!

I love love love love this movie. I have already watched it like 3 times. It is one of those movies that isn't too stressful for me to watch. I hate those super stressful or embarrassing moments in movies. I am too empathetic for my own good and can't stand to watch when something embarrassing happens. That is probably why I don't like comedies very much. 

For example:

In Pride and Prejudice - I have to fast forward through the part of the ball when Kitty, Lydia and Mary all make fools of themselves and it is just too horrifying to watch. 

Even during TV shows I will actually pause the show and get myself ready for what is about to happen. I have to brace myself. 

The only other movie I can watch again and again without any stress is Constantine. 

I love that movie. 

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