Friday, March 19, 2010


- Jesse James's Alleged Mistress Predicted She'd Be Famous

-she lobbied the publication's founder Casey Exton for the cover, telling him, "I'm going to be hot real soon." 

-decided to put her on the cover of his month's edition, which went on sale last week. 

-report of infidelity by her husband surfaced, one week after Sandra Bullock won an oscar

Talk about planned! Whoever this chick is she is pretty damn smart about how she come out about the affair. Sources said she cannot be found for comment .... maybe she is getting paid hush money. Hmmmm. 

That shit is SHADY!  

And in other news.....

"I think I get laid less now than I used to, because I’m way more paranoid now."
– Gerard Butler,
 on how he's scaled back his playboy ways, to Men's Journal

See the connection?!? At least someone is getting smart. 

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