Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hello From Daily Grind Ville

So it has been nearly 2 months since I blogged or read a blog and I must say I really do miss it but there never seems to be enough time in the day to get it all done and blogging is one of the guilty pleasures I have had to give up. Let me catch you up on life in Dailygrindville!

We took a ski trip in February with our dear friends and neighbors to Seven Springs, PA and we had a blast the older kids are doing so well on skis. Next year I think I will just let them ski with us instead of putting them in ski school. Also in February we had Isabelle baptized, we chose to go with a very low key celebration and I am happy to say it worked out for the best. I am elated to say that both sets of in-laws were there, we did not have any words exchanged, and everyone was very cordial and on their best behavior.
Here is Izzy with her Godmother

Isabelle is great, she is nearly 7 months old and a wonderful baby and we are very very lucky that she is a great sleeper it has made life better. With the older 2 I remember being ready to jump off a roof because they would never get to sleep or would wake up at the crack of dawn! She is rolling all around and pretty soon will be crawling all over the place I know it is just a matter of days before I will need to break out the baby gates. I guess I need to get ready for some stubbed toes and broken toenails. Here is Miss Isabelle on St. Patrick’s Day, Isn’t she a cutie? Jackson is doing extremely well in school however, that has come at a price. He is very smart but he is becoming very bored and because of his boredom, he distracts other students which gets him in trouble. I am trying to work with the teachers to give him some more challenging work so he won’t be a distraction. He has started Soccer and is into Swimming so he is very active! He too just keeps getting more handsome by the minute.
My oldest, Lauren is just about to turn 8 and she is getting to be so mature. I see her blossom a little more each day into a very attractive, smart and loving girl. She had her first ever slumber party this past weekend to celebrate her birthday. I had 6, 8 year old girls in my basement. They made pillow cases, pictures frames, they watched movies, and pigged out on Pizza and cake. In the morning, I was the uber cool mom who made pancakes with whipped cream, chocolate sauce and cherries. I bet their parents loved me when they heard what their kids had for breakfast! Check out the pictures from the slumber party. Of course, the last couple months have had their share of frustration too. Lauren has been continuing to have trouble in school with her reading and it was beginning to really worry me, so I had her tested and sure enough, she is below grade level. We have teamed up with Huntington Learning center to help her get back on track with her reading and hopefully moving in the right direction. I have some reservations about Huntington and I am not entirely sure I am not being “sold the Services” versus her needed all of them but I am willing to give it a shot, anyone else every used Huntington before? If so please email me and let me know how you felt about your experience.

Dan and I are still trying to work through our martial issues some days are good some days are bad. I can’t say at this point that I see the light at the end of the tunnel but I am hopefully that we will in time be able to work things out for us and the sake of our family. I have learned that it is very important to share how you feel when you feel it and not keep it bottled up inside, as it doesn’t do any good. I am getting better at this, as is Dan.

I have been running but have had my share of setbacks, skiing took a little out of me and my knee has been sore since then also I can’t seem to heal my shin splints. It got so bad that I chose to pull out of the DC Half Marathon for fear I might injury myself. So I am still running but trying to keep it at an easy pace. What I need to do is find a running partner that I am totally comfortable with and start running with that person whom I think would challenge me a bit more. My Next race is the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler in DC on April 11th. I will hopefully run the Historic Half Marathon in Fredericksburg VA on May 16th.

So that is what’s up in the land of the Daily Grind, now I need to go catch up on all your blogs !

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