Friday, March 12, 2010

Bird Feeder

The D Man and I bought a bird feeder for the balcony so as to attract the birds that keep it real around the apartment complex to entice them to come and chill at our place every once and a while. Also - so that Pumpkin and Juno would be entertained for a fair amount of time and have less time to be bored and destroy the apartment - ie Pumpkin ripping up the carpet:

We even gave her a box to play with and she ended up destroying that too:

Or making interpretive art as seen here:

Anyway -

So we got the bird feeder and the cats spend a great deal of time watching the birds that come to freeload off of us. Which is awesome.

Of course creating this little buffet was not easy because we didn't know how we were going to hang the bird feeder up because we would need a ladder to hang it from the roof. So we were like *damn it*. Then *I* came up with the idea of plant holders. The one you just screw to a post! Awesome!

So we picked up everything we needed and went out side to set that buffet up. 

One problem -

We didn't have a drill to make holes for the screws. 

So we did it by hand with a screw driver and ended up stripping the screws half way in. 

Looks good from the front and far away...

No so much up close. LOL


But it holds the bird feeder in place and keeps the cats entertained and that is all that matters. 

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