Monday, June 1, 2009

To shower or not to shower!

No I am not talking about hygiene here! As you know, I am expecting baby number 3 a girl in late August. We are very excited and a little unprepared because truly we thought we were done having kids, that is until I was bitten by the baby bug and the need to complete the family.

So I have been asked by many, are you registered? I recoiled the first few times I was asked saying " no this is my 3rd baby of course I have not registered" only to be greeted with "why not?" In my head my answer was "Because this is baby #3 and only baby number one gets showered with all the stuff!" Instead I shurgged and said "because I should have everything already." See I was always taught you get one shot at things like that, meaning bachelorette parties, bridal showers, baby showers are all one time deals you don't get do overs.

Finally I couldn't take the pressure anymore, I went ahead and registered reluctantly mainly because I have had a lot of business colleagues who didn't know me when I had my first 2, that insisted I give them some sort of clue as to what I needed. I say reluctantly because I didn't even go into the store with the little scanner thing to register, I did it all online. Sad huh? Anyway I feel like a schmuck for even having a registry for my little peanut, if my mom ever found out she would brow beat me verbally for weeks.

So am I crazy to feel this way? Has it really become OK to register with each baby?

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