Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cleaning, organizing, and nesting!!!!!

Well last weekend I had a fun filled weekend of nesting! Yes I cleaned I organized, I packed!

First we had the painters come Monday to paint the baby's room as well as the guest room. My son Jackson is moving into the guest room and wanted it to look just like his old room. So the guest room was painted blue per his request! Check out the new digs!
His first night was a little rough, he ended up in our bed twice. I think he was a bit overwhelmed by the new surroundings. He however has been bragging to anyone he can about his new room.

The baby's room will start taking shape after my father-in-law visits from NY, he is bringing Lauren home from her trip up there and will put together the crib one last time. From there I need to start thinking about buying some stuff for this kid! Bedding, clothes diapers wipes are all on my list. Here is a picture of the room now looks pretty barren but it will get there.

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