Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Growing up way too fast

So last Saturday was picture day for my daughters dance class. They have their big recital in 2 weeks. Now I am a dance recital virgin! I never danced a day in my life! I was a total tomboy at Lauren's age and the idea of being girly at this early age is totally and completely foreign to me.

However, she likes to dress up and she is obsessed with kiddie makeup these days. So as I got her ready for pictures I thought what he heck I will curl her hair a bit and allow her to wear some lip gloss and eye shadow. Albeit the kiddie version. She looked adorable and even with that little amount of make up she looked much older to me than her 7 years. Do you agree???? So I get to the dance studio and I am shocked no STUNNED at the all the little girls in her class who are "done up" in moms make up!!! I mean we are talking full adult make up here! There was even a box in the waiting area of the studio with adult makeup in it. My first thought was man I am a prude! Then I thought no I just don’t want my baby growing up too fast if that means she is a few years behind the others when it comes to make applications and hair dos so be it.

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