Friday, January 9, 2009

The vacation is over!

Ok so I am still obsessing about my zit, it is a bit smaller now but of course all the crap I have put on my face to kill it has caused me to have dry skin. One would think what is the big deal it's not like I am trying to get a date or anything. Like I said before just shows how vain I am!

So Dan's big vacation is over as of Sunday, he starts back to work on Monday. I can't imagine what is going through his mind. After 20 year in the military he is off to the private sector. I know he will do fine but I must say I will miss him being home being a house husband of sorts. Earlier this week I was so wiped out from work I came home he took one look at me and told me to go upstairs and he would bring me some dinner. Not only did he bring me dinner in bed he did it with style. I had a tray with pasta & chicken and a side salad as well as a glass of water. But he didn't stop there no he went right back downstairs and made a tray for my daughter who was in bed next to me. She was over that moon that she got to be like mommy.

So hubby to you I say thanks...thanks for putting up with me and my crazy hours, my lack of sleep and my sometimes bitchy mood. Thanks for calming my fears and making me laugh when all I want to do is cry. I know our lives will soon get hectic again with both of us back to work and when I pout and stomp around like a child because I am tried and grumpy know I'm sorry. Also Know that I love you and you are the best hubby a wifey could have!

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