Thursday, January 29, 2009

I have a way with announcements...not!

So I want to thank all of you for your ideas on how to share the news with my in laws about our newest member of the Whalen clan unfortunately I wasn't able to come up with anything clever and really didn't have enough time to do so because my in-laws arrived a day early due to the snow and ice storm we had brewing on the east coast. So when they arrived on Tuesday night they met us for dinner and after some small talk my husband says we have some news that we didn't want to share with you over the phone or via email. I think they panicked for a second then Dan gestured to me, I smiled and said go ahead, he then said to his parents don't get rid of the crib at your house just yet. It took a second but then they got it and cheers erupted!

Why is it so hard to or in my case so awkward to tell people that you are pregnant? As I shared in my last post I have told my boss as well as my mother. Both announcements were filled with trepidation for me, both for different reasons. I'll start with my work announcement first.

I was out of town on business travel last week in the Midwest for 3 days, my boss and I were traveling together and I knew that this would be the perfect time to make my announcement. I had already shared with a close colleague of mine and he assured me that my boss would be very understanding. A bit of background here ...I have been tasked with launching a new venture which has been over a year in the making and is due to launch July 2009 so timing is a bit tight.

So as we are driving from Kansas City, MO to Omaha, NE we are all chatting and we are discussing how I met my husband and my boss says to me he is shocked that I met my husband online, so what do I respond with? Well ,I have some even more shocking news "I'm pregnant" tactful huh? Truthfully I was dying to tell him because it was bugging me so it felt good to get it off my chest. I'll chalk that one up to crazy pregnancy hormones. He is totally on board and supportive, I have provided him a plan for while I'm out on maternity leave and all is well.

Now my mother on the other hand was a totally different story. I took her to lunch with the kids about 2 weeks ago and planned to tell her over dessert since I knew the kids would be engrossed with dessert and wouldn't be paying attention to what Mommy and Gran were discussing. Well, I told her I had some news and she looked at me with a bit of a puzzled face and then said "don't tell me" keep in mind it was not the typical "don't tell me" with a smile, it was more of a disappointed look. I said yup I am pregnant and my mom said "oh" then went on to hit me with these questions:
"What about childcare?"
What about all that wight you lost?"
"Did you plan this?"
"What about your age?"
"Where are you going to put the baby?"
What about work and your promotion? You know they won't promote you now"
"Aren't you worried about the age difference?"

I could go on but I think you get the picture, it was totally what I expected and I smiled through it all and in the end said this is a good thing a happy thing and we are very excited. After lunch I asked her if she could take a ride with me to the pharmacy to pick up the kids meds (they both had sinus infections) I wanted her to sit in the car with the kids while I ran in to pick up the prescription that way I didn't have to take the kids in and out. She came with us and when I returned to the car she said I am not so sure why I am so worried because you seem to be cool as a cucumber. To which I responded "Yes, I am calm and I am happy, it isn't like I am some unwed 16 year old announcing this news" I acknowledge I didn't need to take my comment to that level however that is basically the response I got from her when I told her. Quite frankly her comment about being worried for me I know is true but I also know it was her way of trying to cover herself for the way she reacted.

I am glad all the big announcements are over now, hopefully I can now relax and try to enjoy this pregnancy as much as one can enjoy being pregnant :)

Today we are headed to Dan's official Military retirement ceremony, he parents are here and they are very excited and proud of their son as well they should be. Saturday I am hosting a dinner for 30 or so people in honor of Dan so I hope to have some great photos to share.

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